Monday, April 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Pin It Now! We made it back home yesterday in good time and had a great dinner with my fam. Mixed feelings about this - happy to be home and to see the BT...I did really miss him wheile we were gone. K and I are both such "dog people" - we biked around Stanley Park on Saturday (amazing) and we kept stopping when we saw a BT and laughing at how cute it was. We saw 7 total! Ben would totally fit in in Vancouver - although he'd have to learn to go pee in the rain :) He avoids that at all costs right now. We joke that he's allergic to rain. Just another one of his cat like tendencies. This is kind of like me though - the irony about my personality is I'm more of a cat-like person yet I love dogs.

T&N's wedding was just breathtaking. There were a few things that I have never done/seen at a wedding that theirs had:
a - mountains in the background
b - manolo's on the bride (this isn't the last you will here of these famed shoes)
c - a slideshow by the photog that was shown during the reception. This was faboo.
d - a guestbook made by me! I felt so special to be able to be involved in the day in this special way and am thrilled that they loved it -- pics to come of the whole shebang.

They are off now to South America for a great big adventure - can't wait to hear all about it.
I'm off to join a conference call. Sigh.

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