Monday, April 6, 2009

Baked Mac N Cheese

Pin It Now! So...I realized today that the blogs I follow can be viewed in my profile instead of me linking to them all the time --- I added a bunch of my fave's so enjoy.

Countdown to MM is on! There was a bit of a hiccup in the plan as we weren't sure we would have enough people but we are confirmed and J and I couldn't be happier than pigs in you know what (that expression is terrible but it makes me laugh...literally laughing as I type this). For two grown woman we sure do love to talk about this hobby a whole heck of a lot.

Had a great weekend up north at K's cottage - made some serious Mac N Cheese on Sat night - was so stringy and fabulous, it was Barefoot Contessa's recipe so can never go wrong with her stuff.

1 comment :

Beatty Crocker said...

That Mac n' cheese recipe looks great!
Sophie xoxo