Sunday, April 17, 2011

4 and 5 month recap

Pin It Now! I had this 4 month recap typed but never ended up blogging so today is a 2 for 1 kind of post - I still need to do corresponding layouts for both 4 and 5 months but now at least I have the journalling documented.

How is it possible that over 1/3rd of a year has gone by? Yet in a way I cannot imagine life before the chubby baby caterpillar

There was so much I had heard about being a parent before actually becoming one and it all kind of just sounded a bit cheesy but most of it is SO true. Like how I was told that it was the hardest but most rewarding job in the world. and it is SO. True. It is so hard - I think the reason I didn't believe it before is because I was thinking about all of the physical acts - like changing diapers etc -- and that stuff is not hard. The hard part is the surrender of yourself - the sacrifice that you make for another person. And it is a mini person - who is so trusting and dependent upon you - so it is so worth it (obviously) but I think that is the part that you are never really prepared for - at least I wasn't.

So anyway - here is the recap of Jonah at FOUR months!
  • Went for his first swim in Florida.Loved it.
  • Started to use his bouncy seat
  • Started to HATE his car seat
  • Started to love his stroller.
  • "Talks" a lot - more vocal than last month and giggles and responds to other people.
  • Likes to sit up (with help) and stand.
  • Is sleeping through the nigh for the most part - goes down between 7 and 8 and wakes once to nurse and then up again at around 8.
  • Still takes a long time to get back down in the middle of the night but the first bedtime is MUCH quicker now
  • Daytime napping is a work in progress. It happens every day just not always in his crib.
  • He LOVES to be held, and rocked, and swayed.
  • He also LOVES to be out and about - I swear if we don't go somewhere where he can meet a friend during the day he is grouchy by the end of the day.
  • People have started coming up and talking to us wherever we go - I never thought I'd be the type of person that could just visit with a stranger but I can and I do - it also doesn't bug me when strangers touch him (I totally thought it would)- most people are so sweet.
  • Still loves his soother for bedtime and naps
  • Started to bat at toys and kicks like crazy
At 5 months
  • We did sleep training in between 4 and 5 months - it was tough, the first two nights I left the house while Kirk stood watch because I think I would have cracked otherwise - he took about an hour to settle night one, night two was even worse but by night 3 he went down much quicker and easier and ever since then has been able to go down much better at night so tough as it was it was worth it
  • His downy hair is being replaced by "real" boy hair - I will miss that fuzz!
  • Not sure what his height and weight are because we don't have a 5 month dr apt but I think he's somewhere between 18-20lbs based on my unscientific calculations (of holding him on the scale) and he's starting to outgrown his 6-12 month clothes
  • We have started looking at daycare - crazy to me that we have to start now but apparently we are already late and many people start to look when they are pregnant (how crazy!?)
  • Rolling around - but not quite over yet
  • Started taking at least a bottle of formula a day - sometimes two along with a little bottle of water and rice cereal (not so sure how he feels about food yet)
  • Doesn't mind the car seat anymore (thank goodness!)
  • Daytime crib napping is getting more consistent
  • LOVES his dog Ben and playing "fetch" with him (translation I throw the ball for Ben and he brings it back)

1 comment :

Lulu said...

Love reading these posts, they are so close to my bubs :)