Thursday, February 17, 2011

Old vs New

Pin It Now! I am just popping in to say a quick hello here - I have been MIA latley in a sea of swings, bouncy seats, jiggle walking and all around baby goodness.  Jonah is so cute as of late, lots of giggles and gummy smiles and one TOOTH - at 12 weeks eep!  I have lots of blog posts/projects planned in my head but the time that I actually have to sit down with my laptop is sporadic (new life) so it will have to wait for today. 

I also keep thinking about how dialogue would go between old me and new me:

Old me - I'm sure having a baby won't be that big of a change
New me - shut it

Old me - how hard can it be?  my current job is pretty hard - it must be about that hard
New me - you are so dumb, you are really dumb, for real.

Old me - I don't really get baby play dates - I mean babies don't really play do they?
New me - Thank God someone else who understands and we can just sit here and smile through bleary eyes to eachother - case in point - today I had lunch with my neighbour who is also home with her little ones - she was describing one of the kids in her daughters class to me and said she is O-D-D - I said "Oh you mean A.D.D?" and she said "No - o-d-d.....spell it" - and honestly it took me about 30 seconds to realize she meant odd and that O.D.D. wasn't a new illness that I had never heard of

Old me - Baby shoes are so CUTE!
New me - babies shoes can take a hike

I am (mostly) joking though - I do love this new life but it sure is different.  On a positive note I have done some scrapbooking of Baby J's first few days/weeks and I love the result - so glad I took up this hobby before he was here and am able to capture some of these great memories right from the start. 

Here are a few of the pages I did before Jonah got here - when it felt like I had been prego for forever:

Love that I captured how I had an insane nesting instinct...I also love how I thought it was so clever to arrange by size (new me thinks that is SO dumb and I should have just arranged by type of clothes from the get go - now I have 3 drawers of clothing - one for shirts, one for pants and one for sleepers). 

This journalling is from July but the pic is from a bit later - I still can't grasp that a BABY grew in there!
My baby shower was such a great day, so overhwelming!  Meag was due a week after me and ended up having Hudson before Jonah!

I did this one for last week's Studio Calico's Sunday Sketch blog challenge - but of course I missed the deadline to enter for a $5 gift card - I will get there one of these weeks though! (Again new life vs old)

I'll be back soon with more to share



Gioconda said...

your post is so funny and so true. and love the layouts.

lisa truesdell said...

i am laughing at the old you new you convo..!

gorgeous pages!

Jessica said...

I adore these layouts!!!!!!!!

Ann said...

Best one - baby shoes can take a hike! I whole heartedly agree!
beautiful layouts!

MB said...

my fave part of this post is when you told old you to "shut it" hahaha, still laughing!

Keshet said...

All of these layouts are beautiful! Love the conversations, too:)