Friday, February 18, 2011

Jonah month by month catch up

Pin It Now! So I had the best of intentions of blogging these memories AS they were actually happening but....well see prior post - new life took over ;) - I am so happy that I did write them down as they were happening or otherwise I definitley would have forgotten by now!

I don't want to forget
The way you pull your hair in your sleep and wake yourself up
Your furrowed little brow that makes it seem you have the weight of the world on your shoulders
How when you are really relaxed both hands go up to the side of your face
You love car rides
You think sleep is for suckers some days - other days you sleep like a lamb
When you are hungry you snort like a little piggy and root around like crazy
I am finally figuring how to get you to stop crying - getting you to sleep is another story but I just remind myself eventually you will fall asleep
Ben is in love with you - he gives you kisses and lies by you
We have started reading books together - love you forever, guess how much I love you and how to catch a star are some of our favourites
We took you to meet Santa last weekend - you slept the entire time
We had to get passport photos done - it was hard! You had to have both eyes and ears and you can't even hold your own head up yet!
We play games like going on pretend walks to Disney World, the zoo, Florida
You like back massages with catterpillar tickles

Here is the corresponding layout


Jessica said...

Love that layout. Such a great way to document all the memories! It can get tedius sometimes to remember everything!

Gioconda said...

so sweet.

Mandy said...

Aww love that layout! So cute!

lisa truesdell said...

so sweet. i did a page about my littlest called sleep is for suckers - HA! i hope he learns to love it!