Monday, February 21, 2011

Jonah @ 2 months

Pin It Now! Here is another post in the accellerated account of Baby Jonah's month by month progress :) (techincally since he's now over 3 months I should re-write this in past tense but I had this all written down at the time so I'm just going with it ;)) I am also planning on doing a corresponding scrapbook page for each of his months and have decided to try to tackle Project 12 although that may be a bit ambitious (but I think would be so worth it at the end of the year). 
At 2 months Jonah
Is BIG! 14lbs5oz and 25 inches long
(Finally) went down in your crib before I went to bed!!! (note this only happened once ;)
Still has sporatic freak outs a la exorcist aka if someone heard him they'd think I was torturing him but thankfully these are getting less frequent
Have had less issues w gas than month one but its still a going concern (the amount of time we spend talking about gas as a family is ridiculous)
Smile and giggles like its his job
Loves his monkey mat
Spent two weeks in Florida
Had stellar performances at both family Christmases (slept the entire time)
Had his first plane ride (he slept the entire way!) - on the way home he projectile pooped 3 times and we eventually ran out of outfits so we landed in Toronto in the middle of a snowstorm and had him in a short sleeved onesie with a light blanket wrapped around him - ha!  By that point he had fallen asleep - NOW it is funny - hyserical even - at the time not so much :)
Took a bottle of breast milk and loved it
Rolled over from his front to his back during tummy time (on a very soft surface - only happened once so far)
Has started filling out big time - wearing 6 month clothes but still able to squeeze into the 3-6 month ones for the most part (newborn stuff is out)
Has the chubbiest face and legs
Likes bath time
We stopped swaddling and started using a sleep sack w mits
Definitley a more consistant sleeper than the first 6 wks but still has some random patches he will go a few days with few naps and then a day when he will sleep pretty much the entire day!

This pic is from right before we left for Florida - in his outfit from his Auntie Meag!

Happy Family Day to those in Ontario :)


MB said...

I love your monthly recaps! They will be such a special keepsake for Jonah. I also love that my outfit made history hehe xoxo

Valerie said...

Oh my gosh - that is the cutest photo ever! What a great page!