Saturday, February 19, 2011

What's the deal-io?

Pin It Now! I love a good deal - here are a few products I would consider "must haves/good deals" for baby -

This boppy head pillow - I just recently found mine (for $12 at Winners!) and actually kind of feel guilty not having one prior b/c J's head would be cocked to one side and since it's so big it would go really far over.  I really thought these were a gimmick before having a baby but it is a worthwhile investment - I was trying to wait it out b/c I know before long he'll have that full neck control but decided to get it so he can nap easily wheile we are out and I'm glad I did. 
Noggin Nest® Head Support - Cog Wheels

 - most of the ones we have are so small and since we have an extra big beefcake these ones just do the trick! We got one as a gift and ended up buying a second so we always have one clean at night.  I know it's just a peice of flannel and I'm sure if you were handy enough it would be easy to whip one up (so I guess it's technically not that great of a deal) but for us they have been a lifesaver - there are also instructions sewn into the label which I've found our relatives really like when they are wrapping him up.

I've also recently been introduced to some great deal sites - I think these have been around for a while as I had heard of them but didn't check them out until recently

So - if you haven't already check out:

Living Social

They are basically all the same premise - daily deals that get emailed to you.

Then these are some other daily deal sites I check out frequently
Scrapbook Steals
Baby Half Off
Baby Steals
Peachy Cheap

Do you have daily deal sites that I'm missing here?  I always love a good bar-goon!

And just for fun - have you ever seen such squishable cheekies?  I can't keep my hands off! 

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