Monday, July 25, 2011


Pin It Now! Sometimes i go through kind of a rut with scrapbooking.  I kind of lose my mojo a bit.

Or i do a page and i just don't feel like it really gels....

Then I look back at my books - at memories from a few years ago - read about how I was feeling then, what we were doing and I remember why I love scrapping so much and why I'll stick to it.  It's therapeutic for me to be able to create.

It is SO hard to describe why you scrapbook to someone who doesn't - this video by Shimelle puts it all pretty much into perfect perspective. I have totally run into people that just don't get why I do what I do.  I'm sure they think of scrapbooking as just slapping stickers and photos onto a page.  It's hard to describe that it's more than just pretty paper.  Even for myself sometimes I get sucked into that mentality of thinking that that's what it's all about.  That is a fun part of it - but that's not the important part to me.

If i were my friend Meaghan I probably wouldn't need to scrapbook as much - that girl really is a rolodex of dates - she just remembers everything (hi meag!)...but not me - I forget pretty much everything.

And so I'm glad that I scrapbook.

I'm glad i started scrapbooking before i had kids.
I have lots of pages to remind me who i am.

I'm glad that i've continued to scrap now that i have jonah.
I'm not sure if he'll grow to love his books but i know i'll love to look back and remember these early months with fondness.

I'm glad that I write down how I'm feeling at a given point.
I love to be able to appreciate the here and now - to focus on the good things.  To remember that although things may be stressful and busy the important things stay the same...that it really is all about the little things - and you can't blink or you'll miss them.


Kimber-Leigh said...

what a beautiful page! i know what you mean...scrapbooking is such a personal thing and hard to explain :)

by the way, i love the background pattern on your blog! great design and colors!

A Soldier Girl said...

I totally dig that rut I been there girl for a few months .. just let it go. I love your page.

Melissa said...

Beautiful page! I have been feeling that rut lately too, but Shimelle's video has me thinking in a different way now.