Thursday, July 7, 2011

making your own baby food - it really is easy (honest)

Pin It Now! there was a lot about having a baby that i didn't know (everything) - and there were some things that i just figured i wouldn't be "into"....cloth diapers (check), breastfeeding in public (check)  and making my own baby food...but i was wrong on this one.  For some reason I had this notion that it would be too difficult to make my own baby food and I figured the packaged stuff was fine.
1. I don't know why I thought it would be difficult because I'm not a lost cause in the kitchen....I'm no Martha but I do like to cook and bake.
2. I didn't realize how expensive the jarred/frozen stuff was.....and honestly?  It doesn't taste great.  Esp the meat kind (yick!) so...I've ventured into the world of making my own baby food.

So far I've made:
chicken (twice, once breast meat and then I read that babies should have full fat meats so the second time I used thigh meat)
butternut squash
pear and apple sauce
sweet potato

The easiest was a can and whir it up with the handy blender and bingo.
Sidenote I really wanted the baby bullet until I realized that my handy blender is basically the same thing without a little happy face on it (I was still a bit tempted)

The toughest so far was the pear and apple sauce - I followed this recipe and it wasn't tough just took a long time to peel everything.

In case you are interested in trying this yourself here are a few things to get you started
This site is awesome - it has been my go to for figuring out how to cook things

These summer days are just whizzing by...I am having so much fun enjoying this time with my little man.  A few things I don't want to forget:
-how J's hair is like a treasure troll's when it's clean - you can make it into several different hairstyles including the comb over and the ever popular einstein 'do
-how when he's lying down and looking towards his toes his mouth goes into a little perfect "o" shape - it's so cute, we can't figure out if it's because he thinks he can see better that way or if he does it to get his lips out of his line of vision
-how he just stopped doing his little "sigh" after his sneezes....he used to do this breathy little "ahhhhh" after each sneeze...and one day this week it just stopped.

Also - for any of you new moms and mom's to be or really anyone who just likes a good laugh you have to check out Amalah's blog...she's one of those people who can just write the way she thinks...and her thoughts are ones that I've definitely had before!

1 comment :

MB said...

i totally agree, i thought i would use the jarred stuff for sure - but it's so easy!! hudson still does the 'after sneeze sigh', i'm going to miss it when he stops. i just made my own pears but i didn't peel them and they turned out great (and saved me time!!)