Tuesday, July 19, 2011

8 months

Pin It Now! Weighs 21lbs10oz
Measures 29inches
Lovingly called squishy, still so roly.

Total routine baby. As witnessed by last weeks 8 month dr apt where his beloved 2nd nap was missed. Poor thing had an absolute fit @ the drs office -he got to play w the germ toys and we ended up leaving the office in just a diaper (and a dirty one at that) - also reflects where I've gotten to as a mom that I'd travel so light. But note to self - bring at least one diaper and some wipes.  His whole weekend was thrown off by that one missed nap - we were away for the weekend and he just did not sleep well.  For him (and I am guessing for most babies) tired = not fun.  Thankfully he adjusted right back once we were home.  

He's sleeping 10-12 hrs a night plus two solid or 3 naps a day if the first two are shorter.  Insert hallelujah chorus.  We've got a simple plan- when J is cranky I put him down. He just seems to fare better this way. He'll still cry at naps but just for a few mins and then always wakes up happy. Gone are the days where we can go anywhere during naptime unless its an environment equipped for napping - but its worth it.

Loves loves loves his food. Sweet potato, squash, broccoli, chicken, chickpea, avocado, cereals. Not crazy about bottles - stopped nursing completely.  Our dr said this is normal and nothing to worry about.
Always moving. Even when he's falling asleep he's rolling around or moving one of his legs or arms.

Really good at crawling position, can turn on a dime. Hasn't mastered motoring yet.

Loves people. Loves to smile and just watch.

Good little babbler.

Still gets stuck sometimes on his stomach at night and naps and needs help tipping back over and getting re-set (thanks for that term Linds!) with his soother and bunny.

Wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes but buying 1year or 2t when I do shop for him. He's so round that it works and I figure better to have something for longer vs something he'll grow out of quicker.

Loves cruising in the Baby Ergo. We do most of our errands this way as he's graduated out of the bucket seat.

So responsive to music. I play it for him  almost all day when he's awake. The other day he was fussing a bit and I turned on Taylor Swift's 15 on itunes - after the first few guitar chords and he was smiling away. We listen to iTunes genius mixes almost all day.  

Was not a yoga baby. We signed up for classes and got through one. He hated it. The silence, the lack of movement. Wasn't for him. We're now doing a bootcamp class (I workout and he plays) and its much better.

Obsessed with water. Such a water baby. Loves swimming - pool, lake, bath - doesn't matter. We also go to the splash pad almost every day and into our kiddie pool in the back yard. Its his favourite hobby.  He squeals when he realizes we're at the splash pad. So cute.

Starting to like to feed himself with a spoon if I load it up for him and put it in front of him. I'm working on not worrying about the mess this creates :).

Can now feed himself a baby mum-mum.

Likes to take Ben's cuz and put it in his mouth. This is his second favourite hobby and why I need hawk eyes because as much as I'm fine with the french dog kisses dog toy in mouth is where I have to (attempt to) draw the line.

Things we're calling him these days - sweet boy, pet, puppy.

Happy 8 month birthday my sweet pet!

In other news good thing I am keeping this record on here - I thought I had my monthly pages up to date and just realized I have only done up to month 5!  

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