Friday, March 25, 2011

3 month layout

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Ok - I am slowly getting caught up with these monthly posts - can't believe my little man is already 4 months old - now I know what people mean when they tell their babe's to slow down.  I'm so excited for all that is to come in this little guys life but I already miss his days being super mini.

This is the first layout  I've typed my journalling for - it was actually super easy b/c I had documented before I did the layout on my BlackBerry so all I had to do was print it out onto cardstock (although I did end up having to print it about 7 times as I figured out how to use our printer lol - but definitely something I'll be doing again and it's handy when I've got a lot to say like I did for this layout) - I printed two narrow long paragraphs and then just folded accordion style and tucked them into this little KI envelope (which I love btw)

Here is the layout:

And here is the journalling:
@ 3 Months Jonah:

Started going to a mommy and me class - I totally kept feeling like I was in a scene from Modern Family except Cam and Mitchell didn't show up (darn) - and also as much as the "new me" would tell the "old me" to shut up most of the time New Me and Old Me agree that although it was nice for J to go to the class and I do think he liked looking around at the other babies there I really think the whole reading a book aloud and singing group songs was slightly lost on him :)

Will now sit on his bouncy chair on the kitchen island while I prep and cook dinner (this is a win considering a month ago I could barely put him down for 5 minutes)

Is smiling and cooing and laughing every day - it's so sweet - I'm also pretty sure he's straight because he flirts with all the girls (not that I'd care if he wasn't)

has gotten so animated - always laughing and giving BIG smiles - especially out of one side of your mouth (like his dad)

We have found our groove together - we go out most days, to visit friends, to the mall, to the grocery store – he is are SO heavy in his bucket seat

Got a TOOTH! A real genuine pearly white - it's nuts, it came in just shy of 3 months (at 12 weeks) it didn't seem to bother him coming in but he had been obsessed with his hands the last few weeks and I thought it was just because he was trying to suck his thumb

Weighs 16lbs 4.5 oz and measures in at 25 3/4 inches - so still up there but not growing quite as rapidly as the first few months (which I'm happy about because now he can actually wear some of his clothes for more than two weeks!)

We have gone back to the swaddle at night - abandoned the free hands and mitts at about 9 weeks - his arm movements were still too spastic at night and he kept waking himself up.

Still takes a LONG time to get down for the first time at night but it is definitely getting better - we put him down around 8 or 9 and he'll fall asleep between 10-11 - up at 3 or 4 to feed (or 6 if I'm lucky) and then typically up at 6 for the second time and he gets to come into our bed for a little snuggle till about 8 or 9

Is starting to nap a bit in his crib during the day - the nights were so tough at first that that is what I was focused on but now that those are coming together we're working on the daytime crib naps. I wouldn't mind him being downstairs with me but it is SO cold here and the house is drafty so it's cozier up there and I think long term better for him to be used to it anyway

I'm off to give the little guy a snuggle - we are working on sleep training this week and nights are going pretty well but days are still a bit spotty.  Wish me luck!

Have a great day