Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 2

Pin It Now! Day 2 of blogging and def. still getting the hang of things. I've been asking around and nobody here really seems to know what the deal is with blogging - with the exception of KS saying that I may become famous, which really sounds like kind of a fun prospect so for now I will blog on.

Hosted a bridal shower for one of my golden girls who I'll call Sophie - we all had a blast, the theme was Sex and The City and it was a hit! I think themed parties really need to make a comeback, a few simple touches can really come together to create a great night. For my party, the key was keeping things well thought out and organized before hand so that when the big night came to be I could relax with the ladies and enjoy some pink champagne.

Not sure why I continue to drink pink champagne becuase it's really not good for my head the next day but at the time it's always such a good idea, the bubbles and the pinkness are so party friendly.

Really missed my pal N who has been over in the wild wild Middle East for a few months now, she is always such a great addition to a party, v. helpful and fun - a great combo!

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