Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Little moments

Pin It Now! There are so many little moments in every day that I'm sure I'll forget.  One of the reasons I started this blog was to help to remember....it doesn't help that I'm bad at remembering to actually blog but whenever I look back on time it's the little things that I love to remember.

This is one of those little moments:
Mr. Blankethead.  Liam is SUCH a tactile little guy - always grabbing at things.  He finds it comforting to put his blanket right up to his face and smoosh it in.  I always peek in once he's down to make sure it's safely out of his way.  He used to only turn to the right but now he always turns to face his musical seahorse and settles right in on his side.

1 comment :

Keshet said...

This is so cute, Virginia! Love:)