Sunday, September 9, 2012

Every month

Pin It Now! Every month I have big plans for my blog.  To write more - to document more on here - and then by the time I get around to it it's time for the kids monthly updates...ha!  So for now that's fine - that's what this blog will be.  I would like to write more, to put more on here to share some recipes, some design projects, scrapbooking stuff etc but for now this blog is serving it's purpose for me which is an easy space to just ramble and collect thoughts.  I do miss writing more regularly and find that being home not working makes my brain feel a bit rusty so that's one of the main reasons I want to write more on here.  I also just love blogs.  I love to read others blogs.  It's one of those weird things though where if you try to describe in real life why you like blogging or blogs in general if people aren't into blogs themselves it's hard to explain.  But I don't have to on here because chances are if you are reading this you already kind of get it right?  I don't blog only so other people read it, but at the same time I enjoy sharing with others - know what I mean?

So anyway - this month was a pretty big one for us.  Liam turns 5 months in a few days and he's such a bigger boy now than last month!  I was looking through my earlier entries (doing some scrapbooking journalling....see?  My blogging does come in handy ;)) - anyway I was marvelling at how restful he was back when he was a wee's not that he's a bad sleeper by any means now just that he's less restful than before.  It makes me laugh actually to look at the updates month/month with him because I feel like I'm way more "cut to the chase" with Liam than I was with Jonah's updates....with babies it's all about the sleep huh?  So I think it's funny how my updates now inevitably focus on that...but hey if baby is sleeping and happy then everyone is sleeping and happy right?  We had to do a bit of sleep training this past month (he was up almost hourly for about a week or so...ugh!) but now he's back on track with just waking once or so to feed and in the last week or so his wake-ups have been at very convenient times for me (around 11 or so and then up again at 5-6ish) - I'm good with that b/c then I get to sleep a normal "night" stretch which I find to be the biggest thing in feeling good the next day.  He is still our little peanut boy - weighs 16 lbs now, our dr was happy with the weight he gained since last month so that is good!  There is still no sign of pudge in his future, he is such a different build than Jonah but sooo cute, a little string bean.  He's super interactive now, loves to bouncy around in his jumparoo, sit in the bumbo and look all around and play with toys.  He also LOVES TV!  Ha - that makes me laugh but he does!  He'll max out in his swing for a while every day which is handy and all in all he's a very agreeable happy go lucky kid.  I noticed this morning his first tooth has cut through along the bottom - I haven't really gotten in to see it yet but I bet it's really cute ;).  I am thinking of starting him on some cereal soon because he has such good neck control and can sit up really well and has started to grab at food when we are eating so I think he's ready.  I can't remember when I started Jonah on solids...I think it was closer to 6 months.

My big baby is 22 months!  Now when people ask me how old he's turning I say "He'll be two this November" - I feel like that really is the mark that he is no longer a more telling people how many "months" he is.  He is doing so great, lots of new words and starting to string words together to tell us what he wants.  He loves to call out "MAMI!" and "DADDIEEE!" - literally a hundred times a day (or more!) It never gets old but sometimes I do have to remind myself to respond patiently and kindly when I'm responding to the same request in a 2 minute span ;)

These two together are SO sweet and cute.  They really do love each other - it is so evident and sweet.  We have been doing lots of fun summer things together like the splash pad, park, walks etc - I do NOT know what on earth we will do when we can't play outside every day....I guess we'll just end up spending a lot of time in the basement but I think we'll have to look into some classes for Jonah for once the weather is bad outside.  
  Have a great day!

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