Friday, November 11, 2011


Pin It Now! This is the eve of Jonah's birthday, tomorrow we've got a full day planned of fun things to do.  Last year at this time I was big as a house, knowing I'd be headed to the hospital early the next morning to be induced.

One year ago tomorrow we welcomed Jonah into our lives.

It's hard to know where to even start - to begin documenting this year in our lives.  How much Jonah has changed.  How much we've all changed.

Jonah is a bright and happy 1 year old.  He is all of the sudden super BUSY, all the time.  There were a few months between colic and now where he was content to just sit on the floor and entertain himself but it's like in the last few weeks he's discovered there's more to life - and wants to know what I've been hiding from him.  So he loves to be carried around. To point at things, to try to touch everything.  I think part of it is also that he's been going to daycare in prep for me going back to work so he's probably realizing that I'm not a permanent fixture, that breaks my heart a bit - I can't lie.  I know it's good in the long run but he still is just a baby after all.

And so at ONE year Jonah....

Has gotten to be a pickier eater but mostly in the sense that he wants to self feed, and to also feed me.  I would say he's gotten pickier but whenever I take him places people comment what a good eater he is so I think for him he's gotten a bit pickier but still overall good.  Yesterday I was birdie feeding him at the mall (chewing up some food for him - ;)) - and the man beside me commented on what a great eater he was.  I sort of wanted to apologize for what he may have seen but I was trying to be discreet so just let it slide and acted like it was totally normal to chew up food and spit it out and feed it to your child at the mall.

LOVES to search for our elf on the shelf every morning.  When he finds him (Clive Bigsby) he will shriek and try to grab him and wave frantically at him.  He tends to find him a LOT sooner than I would expect.

Has 10 teeth and more poking through, including 2 molars.  Poor lamb - I think that's contributed to some of the fussiness of late.  That and his sleep schedule seems to be shifting....I think he's outgrowing two long naps but one just doesn't seem to be enough - still finding our groove there.

Still doesn't seem too interested in walking - will use the walker for a bit but is such a speedy crawler I think he just prefers that for now.

Weighs 23lbs, about the same as he did at 10 months.  I think it's just because he's on the GO all the time now so he's just moving a lot more.

Is a real babbler - has his own little language and will just chatter away with me all day.  I just answer like I know what he's saying.

Loved Halloween and I think he will love Christmas too - we decorated this past weekend and he's enamored by the tree.

Loves to be pulled around in a plastic toy box with a frisbee as a steering wheel and play "car" with me.

Is our darling little big grinned sweetie pie.

We love you so much little man xoxo

1 comment :

Keshet said...

I cannot BELIEVE he's already one:) So cute!