Friday, October 21, 2011

11 months

Pin It Now! Jonah turned 11 months last week - this has been an amazing month with our little guy.

He offically said his first word - "again" - he says it mostly when he wants his dog Scout to sing another song...sounds more like "a-ga"...took me a while to realize that he was saying and meaning it but it is pretty consistent now and so cute.  The other words he says pretty regularly are: Baba, Mama and Dada but he uses those pretty interchangeably - "again" seems to be the first one he's using in the correct context all the time.

He is a mean crawler - can cross a room in the blink of an eye, literally.

He pulls up and will walk with the walker for a bit but not overly interested in that part.  More interested in the toys on the walker.

Has started getting into everything this month.  Figured out somehow how to open the baby gate (what the heck?!!?? - it MUST not have been closed properly...but still!), also got into his first real "mess" - knocked over a candle in a jar and it shattered fault for leaving it where he could reach, thankfully nobody was hurt.

Started eating a bit more solids, seems back on track after being sick earlier this month - likes to feed himself peas and pancakes.

Got a nasty cold that lasted the better part of a few weeks, but was such a little toughie, would barely complain except for doing this little pitiful cry.  Aw, poor dude.

Had a good first "real test" at daycare, was happy as a clam there with the other kiddies and he loves his daycare provider.  She makes homemade soup and I was nervous he wouldn't eat it so packed his own lunch but he gobbled it all up. Good boy.

Almost ready for a second haircut!

Headed to my in-laws this weekend with Kirk while I get my scrap on with some girlfriends.

Got SKINNY on us - I think being sick had something to do with it but all of the sudden the 12 month pants that I thought I was going to have to pack away fit.  Still has those chubbo litttle cheeks though.  Love them and love him.