Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blog your heart

Pin It Now! I read Stephanie's blog just about every day - she is an amazing scrapbooker and also a wonderful mom who blogs about the daily adventures with her family that includes 4 little girls.

Today she's challenging readers to blog their hearts - and really for me that's a big part of having my blog.  Just to kind of keep record of what's happening every day....although I don't blog as often as I'd like and most days I don't get too "deep" on here I do love looking back on where I've been and it definitely is a slice of real life.  I also like what she says about some blogs looking too "perfect" - obviously that's not reality because nobody is perfect but it's a good reminder not to compare yourself and to keep it real as far as blogging goes.

So here goes...

I often struggle with just how much to share on here.  I know a few of my "friends in real life" read this blog so it's a wonderful way to share info on our family.  I have also met some amazing online friends through the scrapbook world that I love to learn about through their blogs so I like to share back with them...but sometimes the openness of the internet scares me a bit.  I worry about putting too much personal details about our family online.  I wish I could just share more openly but I do have a bit of concern about the online world in general.  Even facebook sometimes is too much for me - I deleted it all together for a while and then when I rejoined just added my "actual" friends instead of the hundreds or so acquaintances I had prior.

I'm feeling more and more lately like life is too short for little worries.  For petty things.  I have a friend who I have just gotten to know in the last 5 years or so and when I met her girlfriends I was surprised a bit because they were all wonderful but so different from her...(not in a bad way just not what I would have expected....I think sometimes for me since I met the core group of my girlfriends at such a young age we kind of all look/act the same that I have trouble being open minded about new people off the bat) - anyway she said something to me that resonated - that she tries to surround herself with positive people.  That really stuck with me and it's something I'm making an effort to do to more of - and to be more positive myself.

In the last little while we've seen a few of our friends marriages break up - for us this is new within our friend group - obviously we know people that had split up but they were never really in our peer group.  It has hit home very hard for both of us.  We are not the perfect family - far from it, and marriage is definitely not easy but this is just a reminder to me to treat my marriage as a sacred union.

For the first time in my life I literally don't care what I look like.  It's liberating but at the same time kind of frightening when I catch my reflection when I'm out sometimes.....I don't want to scare away children or anything so while I don't have a desire to look good out of vanity anymore I do think that I'm starting to appreciate looking nice just for the sake of looking well put together.

I'm nervous about starting back to work in a few months for all of the logistical reasons - worried about how we'll fit in family time along with work time - but I'm also looking forward to it a bit.

Have a great day sweet friends



stephanie howell said...

So glad you joined in Virginia. We are experiencing the same thing with friends sad.

Keshet said...

Love this post, Virginia. I totally hear your concerns about how much to share--I think about that a lot, too. And the going back to work thing. And the friends thing:)