Saturday, September 17, 2011

10 Months

Pin It Now! Ok so this first sentence I just need to copy and paste and insert the month #:
Oh gosh - 10 months already?  I feel like I just did the 9 month post.
But it's true!

I guess that's life with a baby - always changing.

This month has for sure been one of the biggest in terms of changes - Jonah's personality just seems to grow every day and he's now such a little boy!

At 10 months Jonah:
-Crawls around like crazy, is into everything - exploring, touching, throwing.  I have turned our main floor into a total baby jail - blocked off the dining room and part of the living room which effectively cuts the main floor in half and helps to contain him and keep him safe as he toddles around
-We have a sunken front room which is blocked off most of the time...yesterday as I was bringing groceries in I put him in there thinking it would be like a little "pen" and contain him....only to come in and find he'd crawled out and was trying to get back down (eek!)
-Into textures these days - liking food a bit lumpier than last month, not into his purees as much unless they are a little lumpy or have some baby pasta stirred in.  Also loving minigo yogurts, has one with almost every meal.

-Plays with Ben so well, will throw the ball for him (pretty far for his age I think;)) and then will also put the ball right into Ben's mouth as well as his own.  I'm kind of over the fact that it's really germy.  I know it is but there's not a lot I can do to contain it and the vet said as long as we're giving Ben his heartworm medicine then it should be fine.
-Had his first real trial at daycare - I was gone for about 3 hours and when I got back he was out in the backyard sitting in a baby pool filled with animal figurines having a grand old time.
-Makes all kinds of noises and funny faces - almost like a pucker and kiss noise which we think either means "I'm hungry" or "let's kiss".  I swear sometimes he says Hi Dada when he sees Kirk but it's pretty sporadic

 -Is a great stander and will stand for a looooooong time.  Has pulled himself up on his own once but we're not really sure how it happened b/c when we looked over there he was just standing holding onto the railing.  He's doing "plank" a lot so I almost wonder if before he pulls up regularly he'll teach himself to stand up but we'll see.
 -Still a good sleeper/needs lots of sleep.  Goes down around 6:30-7 now and up between 6-7:30 with two naps of varying lengths depending on the day and what time he initially wakes up.  Sometimes still wakes up at night and I go in and give him his soother and he goes back to sleep.  Got his arm really caught in his crib once.  Was so sad - I had to YANK it out so hard.  Lil chubster.
-Went for his 10 month apt yesterday - he's 23lbs 4oz and 30 inches

-Loves watching YouTube Disney song videos during mealtime on the computer.
-Closes his eyes and opens his mouth when he's eating something he really likes.  Ha.  Cute.
-Got his first haircut today :) - I'll have to take some pics, I was worried he wouldn't look like a baby but he still does.

Have a great day xoxo


Kelly said...

He is such a cutie. Love all the sweet pics xxx

Caroline said...

awwwwwwww so adorable, they sure grow fast huh!