Monday, September 12, 2011

10 years later

Pin It Now! Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  A day that will forever be etched into everyone who is old enough to remember's mind for the rest of their lives.

For me - I was in my second year away at University.  Living with friends, starting school again after a trip to Europe that was probably the most carefree time  of my life.

On Tuesday September 11th I was in class when my professor told us all to go home, to turn on the TV, that the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane.  Ironically at the time I had no clue what she was even talking about.  I had never been to New York - although it was a lifelong dream since reading the Babysitters Take Manhattan....(not even joking, I freaking loved those books!)

Obviously in the days that followed I became intimate with the story and joined what felt like a global outpouring of mourning and support.

Four days later I met Kirk.  We started dating right away.  Everything just all of the sudden seemed a bit more serious.  Not to be taken so lightly.
On our engagement night - Oct 2004 at Tavern On the Green

Ten years later we are married and have a baby.  I have been to New York City upwards of 20 times.  It has become such a special place to me (I always knew it would be!).  We got engaged there, honeymooned there and I travelled there numerous times on my own for work.  I would travel all over the US and Canada with my job at the time and I have to say there is nowhere that I felt more at home, safer than I did in Manhattan.  It has my heart.

We watched a documentary last night of one of the fire crew's closest to the World Trade Centers.  There was a camera crew following a rookie firefighter and just by chance was there that day.  It is the only footage inside the towers.  It was haunting, terrifying and so powerful to watch.  Ten years later a lot of the crew was interviewed.  There are so many physical and emotional scars from that day but the one that stuck with me was how some of the guys just still feel guilty that they are still here.

I think in a way we can all identify with that.  You hear something horrible and I think it's a natural feeling.  And that's where I think we have a choice.   Not to ignore the sad feelings - but alongside that to not be ignorant of the blessings right in front of you that you do have.  To be thankful.  To be good.  To try hard.  To not get caught up on the little petty things in life.  To have a bit of perspective.  To love others.  To be kind.  My heart still breaks and always will for those who lost their lives, for those who lost loved ones, for the city that was rocked to it's core that day 10 years ago.

We are going back to New York this fall.  I know we'll visit the memorial and it will be a somber and emotional time for us but I think it's important to do - to honour those who were lost that day and to celebrate the city and nation that has prevailed.


1 comment :

MB said...

beautiful Virgie, I also watched the documentary - it was so emotional...