Thursday, October 21, 2010

A baby is such a good excuse for a party

Pin It Now! there is this nice feeling of community that comes with having a baby.  i've been fortunate enough to have two showers in the last few weeks - one a few weeks ago with the girls from work hosted by my friend Rima and one hosted by my mom for family and friends this past weekend. At both we were so spoiled  - but the nicest thing about the showers was all of the visiting that took place with all of the ladies in my life.  i have gone on before about how fortunate i am to have the group of friends that i have but it's so true

these pics make me laugh because although I know how big I am I kind of don't really realize until I see pics like this - ha ha!  Bumpalicious!  I can remember back when I was first preggo trying on the foam belly at Gap Maternity and doing a ridiculous dance for Kirk and my Mom in it thinking "there is NO WAY I'll ever get THIS BIG" ...hmmm, I was wrong ;)

For hostess gifts for both i gave the hostesses necklaces from Luxe Designs - they are a great Canadian company that my neighbour told me about.  On my friend Rima's from work I put her parents names plus words that describe her to me and on my Mom and Aunt's I put their grand kids/great niece and nephew's names plus our baby's name on a charm for them to open once the baby is born.  The designers go to the One of A Kind show every year and I'm planning on going this year with my mom and the new babe (might be a bit aggressive since it's literally weeks after he's due to arrive but we go every year so I definitley want to try to make it there).  If I go I'll for sure order one! 

My friend Meag and I are due a few days a part - both expecting boys so obviously we expect them to be best friends too! 

I think it's really kind how people tell me that I look the exact same except for my belly but pics like this are proof that this is not the case - chubby cheekies! 
 The grade school gang - so crazy and nice how long we've all been friends, love these girls:

 Maya was a great helper during the gifts - I was dying laughing b/c with almost every gift she would lift it above her head and spin for everyone to see and also exclaim VERY loudly "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH SOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEE" about almost everything including a set of nail clippers with a picture of a bear on them.  ha ha.  she's so funny/cute. 

The world's most delicious cake - we had it upside down for the first little while and were all trying to figure out the design -- then Maya came by and said "oh that's a cute carriage with a baby bottle" and we realized.  ha ha. 

So the showers have been had and I've made a decent amount of freezer meals.  I'd say we are just about ready for this little guy to arrive!



Keshet said...

I think you look great! So glad you're enjoying this time!

Heather said...

How lovely to be surrounded by so many sweet friends! I always go to the one of a kind show it!

Kimberly said...

OMGosh I love the belly's touching shot...what fun! Yes they will be best friends! :)
LOVE that cake too...sheeeesh that is some serious talent too!
LOVE all your fun going on.

Kimberly said... look GORGEOUS too...pregnancy is BEAUTIFUL! :)

Christa said...

You look awesome!
And what fun to get together with all of your friends to celebrate!