Friday, October 23, 2009

If you weren't already convinced

Pin It Now! that i was a huge spaz then i'm pretty sure this story will do it for you. 

so you know how i was training for my "marathon"? (was really a 5k relay as part of a marathon but to me was a bit deal).  was SO nervous leading up to it - didn't want to let my team down, didn't think i could run that far, didn't sleep a wink the night before. 

it was last sunday and it was a gorgeous day (thank GOD - can't imagine having to run in the rain!!) so i was feeling good.  and you know what?  I did it, i actually did it - it felt great.  

my spaztic moment came at the transfer point.  we had to wear this ankle brace type thing and then transfer it to the person who was going next.  my friend Rima went before me and of course i made her put it on my leg (nevermind that she had just run up a 1km hill) 

at the end of my leg i was supposed to transfer it to one of my colleagues.  who i love.  like as a friend but also he's cute.  and not in a way that is bad just in that he's nice and cute (makes it more embarassing that it's a cute guy).  my parents were there and my Kirk and Ben all cheering me on.  

i ran around a corner and saw the finish line.  i was feeling good,  wasn't going fast but i was going, saw my parents and Kirk and was so excited.  when i got to the finish line i was trying to figure out what to do, how i was going to get the ankle bracelet off.  i was so happy with myself.  and so tired.  and overwhelmed that i had just done the race. and i got to the tag point and cute co-worker gave me a hug (which was so nice)  and i tried to bend down to do the ankle bracelet thing but i couldn't, my arms just wouldn't work.  so i just sat down.  on the ground.  on the course.  and the cute co-worker had to remove the ankle brace for me.  in front of everyone.
yup.  there's a photo.  


vtpuggirl said...

That's really funny, in an I'm glad it didn't happen to me kind of way. :) Congrats on finishing the race!

Denise said...

LOL! You're not a spazz, it looks like you are a lot of fun with a good sense of humor. Congrats on doing well! That's pretty awesome.

mborrero said...

cute story...yes and he's cute!


living, creating, and appreciating
~my blog
Daisy girl for Color Me Daisy

Lyn said...

i am glad you enjoyed your run and weren't hurt on the trip down! :) congrats on finishing... before you know it you will be running marathons! :)
thanks for visiting my blog, London is a greyhound... she's just a petite girl :)

Kiss Me Kate said...

Love you for doing this! Hilarious story and I can only imagine the fit if giggles that insued based on embarrassment, exhaustion and success! xo

ps. I love snooping thru your blog it is a way for me to catch up with you!