Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday Favies

Pin It Now! here are some of the things that are making me happy these days...

google reader
...all of my blog feeds, managed in what looks like an email inbox with what i can pretend are personal messages to me? check please!

martha stewart living - great food fast: my m-i-l told me about this book and it's awesome, all quick prep, easy meals organized by season (like a closet) - i love this, have leafed through hers and placing my order on amazon once i can find something else to tack onto my order for free shipping

& trish magwood - dish: another one i heard about from my m-i-l and bought a few weeks ago. it's one of my fave books ever - tons of the dishes are little nibbley type noshy food, perfect for a get together or a weekday dinner. this book is divided into casual and entertaining sections....i am a big fan of any cookbook that takes away some of the guess work in cooking and this book just does that

anna wintour - anna was in the news today for being on david letterman today. she just can't shake the miranda priestly comparison
which isn't neccissarily a bad thing- devil wears prada will always be one of my fave movies. Anna is such an icon though - that bob, those glasses -- when i saw her in nyc a year or so ago i snapped a pic of her without her glasses & i swear she glared right at me heeeeeeeee!!!

had a lovely dinner last night with some dear friends & excited about some scrapiness tomorrow night with J!


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