Saturday, May 12, 2012

Liam @ One Month

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One month? Four weeks?  Eek - how on earth did that happen?  I'm glad I remembered really - I am the youngest child so am trying to make a conscious effort not to forget to document things for Liam in the same manner that I did for Jonah -BUT - I do have to say now that I have two - I completely understand how it happens!  And it's not what I would have thought (that I'd be too busy, frazzled, distracted, etc) - it's more that with Liam here we just feel so natural and since we've been through it all before I forget that he's new.  It's like this team of four is an engine that's plugging away together - It is so nice!
So at one month Liam...:
-Sleeps!  The child sleeps!  Praise the Lord.  For sure my favourite habit of his :) - he is a really restful soul, goes down at about 8 or so and sleeps till 3 some nights then back up at 6 or so - other nights will be up at 1 and then again at 5 or so - its nuts and the complete opposite of his brother so completely NOT what i was expecting.  I tend to wake up to check on him if he goes longer than 5 hours but he's gaining weight steadily so I'm not going to rock the boat on that one.
-Lifts his head and neck when he's perched on one of us - has a crazy strong neck, was born that way!  Came out and started peeking around like a little bird.
-Weighs 10 lbs .07oz, and steadily gaining weight
-Still has long little chicken legs and a skinny bum and is still all "curled up" like a pretzel if you unswaddle him.
-Is hairy!  Ha!  Makes me laugh that he has hair all over his body
-Started to look around and focus
-Loves his hands, grasps around his face - I have a feeling he'll have a special blankie or stuffie in the future.

-Hated his first few baths but seemed to like the last one (although he's only had 5 total.  Stinky pants.  I sort of feel guilty about it because it's totally the second child thing happening here but am definitely more laid back this time and he just seems cool with it, I mean he's a boy and boys like dirt right?).
-Becoming a lot more alert during the daytime with lots of coos and squeaks.  Lets us know if he wants a new diaper, is hungry etc.  Likes to eat every few hours during the day.
-Takes his soother and likes to chillax with it during the day and a little bit at night.
-Not really a fan of the car or his swing yet - getting a bit better with both but during the day likes to be flat in his bassinet with his arms above his head.
-Sleeps in his crib at night in the miracle blanket then with a little baby sleeping bag on top for some extra warmth
-Is a pretty great sport considering the amount of poking (Jonah), licking (Ben) and "rocking" (Jonah) that goes on.  We're working on being gentle.
I cannot believe that I have a one month old and an almost one and a half year old!  Jonah turns one and a half on Tuesday, his favourite song these days is the Happy Birthday song so I'm going to do a little something special for him to celebrate ;0) 

1 comment :

MB said...

Virgie, this made me so happy!! Liam is a doll, I'm so glad he SLEEPS!!!!! You're a great mom xoxo