Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What's in a name?

Pin It Now! I've been considering changing my url within blogger (you can do that easily) b/c really I picked the name before i really "got" blogging.  whether I actually get it now is a different story....but it basically goes like this - don't get it really but def. love it

When i signed up i had to pick something so i just went with ilovemybt to honour little Benny Boo...then I realized that's probably a bit lame.  Or dumb, or whatever really but it's clearly not a cool blogging name. Then when i was trying to think of a replacement I realized how can I leave a face like this in the dust of bloginess? 
 She's so cute.  
I am probably the meanest dog owner ever.  Like not really mean but if Ben was an actual boy he'd have an identity crisis.  Because we call him "she'  and "her" sometimes and we dress him up (by we I mean me and then I just make Kirk look and because he's nice he does).  

1 comment :

MB said...

Ohhh benzo, what will become of you? You can't change your url, poor benny would be devastated!! lovemybt has to stay! xo