Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The big one!

Pin It Now! I blog so infrequently that when I actually do sit down to write I feel almost overwhelmed by what I haven't said yet.
So let's see....in the last month we:
Bought a house
Sold our house
Ben got sick
Liam turned one
Kirk went to Minneapolis, San Fran and Vancouver
I went to Vancouver
I became an "auntie" twice

Baby Layton born April 25:
Baby Avery born April 1:

My computer died and we lost everything on the hard drive (thankfully most pics we have backups for)
Yup - a lot happened.

I flew into Vancouver to meetup with Kirk and had a day to myself.  Like literally a 24 hour period when I was there all alone.  No kids, no husband, just me.  It was seriously awesome.  I was so happy to get home to see the boys and happy to see Kirk once he got to Vancouver and yadda yadda but having that time to myself, to just process my own thoughts, to eat dinner with two hands, to shower without feeling like a ninja with my foot on the door to keep little hands from crawling in - it was so nice.

I had a 2 hour spa treatment and it was all about my Dosha - find out yours if you don't already know (there's an easy test you can do online) but it is scary how accurate mine was.  Made me sort of realize that I do sometimes need to slow down a bit.  I like to do things for myself that I enjoy outside of the kids but being away made me also realize how my normal routine lacks time to just relax.  I find I don't often just sit and watch TV anymore because once the kids are down there's always just stuff to do - but I realized I probably do need to do that a bit more for my own sake.

Anyway - my babesters turned 1.  That sort of makes me sad a bit, I mean even though he's still a baby look at him a year ago:
Eek.  So small.
This is him this morning.  Now he's sort of in between the size of himself as a newborn and the size Jonah is now.  Weird!
(merman pose....sometimes he wakes up with both legs in one side of his jambes)
Liam at 1 is all of the sudden developing a personality - he's just so vocal, ready for more - always wants to be touching things, doing things just on the go.  I remembered the same thing happened with Jonah around this age.  It's like they go from being that picture you think of when you picture "baby" to tearing around the house (which I guess is kind of what it means to be a toddler!)

His fave foods are: eggs, strawberries, milk, peanut butter and meat sauce.
He loves to play with Ben, play with Jonah and Daddy.
He likes doing tricks (up over the air on our feet)
He snuggles with his stuffies at night and when he's tired
He's starting to get the hang of "blowing kisses" but I think he thinks he puts his head on your mouth vs. putting it on his own
He is big into clapping his hands.  Clap clap clap.
He's great at standing and crouching down.  Really has zero desire to take a step forward unless he's got furniture for support.
He loves pressing buttons - phone, cellphones, light switches, TV flicker - gets really mad if you try to take these away when he's touching them
Loves to eat everything he finds - kleenex, paper, dog food etc.
Sleeps with his bum in the air
Just got his first haircut

Is a bit of a hair puller.  It's a bit of an issue when we go for a walk :s
Says bababa and dadada and mamma but not really in the right context yet
Goes by Liam, Ian - Lili has sort of faded as a name
Happy FIRST Birthday - we love you!

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