Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Pin It Now!
Seven Months? (well it's tomorrow to be exact but I just felt like blogging it today ;))
Look at this giant!

I know I say this every month that time is just rushing by but this month seems especially bittersweet - now I am officially over halfway done my maternity leave - and I know that living in Canada it is such a luxury to get an entire year off but it really is just flying by.

And so - at SEVEN months Jonah...:

  • Sits! This is a big one and has allowed me a ton of freedom - and an especially big thank you from my back and neck

  • Naps regularly - equally happy about this one - it has been so amazing, he's actually turned into a "routine" baby....I always felt weird before this month when people would ask me what his routine was b/c I honestly wanted to say to them..."mmmm pretty much whatever the little dictator wants" ;)...but persistance paid off in this case.  And by that I mean me lying on his nursery floor for hours with one hand stuck through the crib rails (really? I cannot believe I did that now)
  • Eats....and eats and eats and eats...3 meals a day and 4 bottles/nursing sessions - eats pretty much whatever is put in front of him, rice cereal, oat cereal, carrots, sweet potato, lentils, chicken, apple sauce, bananas - the list goes on.  Weighed 19lbs11oz at his 6 month apt and 21lbs4oz two weeks later.  Porky piglet ;) 
  • Loves to drink water - I am very happy about this one and will do everything I can to continue to encourage this one, I don't think I'll offer him juice or anything other than milk or water for the first little while...I don't think there is a need when he's getting what he needs from whole fruit and veggies.
  • Had his first fever :( - was so sad, poor thing got it on what was our hottest day yet - so we schlepped to the clinic with just a onesie on him sweating all the way - they did a few tests and said it wasn't in his chest or ears (which was good) so we just had to sort of wait it out.  Was so sweltering that night that we ended up setting up camp in the family room on the couch cushions where it was a bit cooler and thankfully his fever broke that night.
  • Thinks animal noises are the coolest 
  • Loves to be naked.  Seriously probably his favourite thing ever.  Flails around like mad.  He's a true boy.
  • We've started reading two books before bed every night - Bear of My Heart and On The Night You Were Born...both are fantastic, Bear of my heart is perfect for him since he's our little bear. 

I'm also behind at posting my Scrapping Turtle layouts from the last few weeks - this month we're working with Bo Bunny - I am using the Blast Off line and I love it - perfect for boyish pages

Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Busy Bees

Pin It Now! We are busy summer bees over here.

Not that much time for the computer when it has been so lovely outside (ok and to be 100% honest my laptop isn't working right now and I'm for the most part too lazy to sit in the kitchen and blog/surf :)...hoping to get it fixed soon!).
Not that much time for scrapping either - but I'm making an effort to squeeze some in.

So although I haven't been blogging or scrapping much lately to document what has been going on there have been TONS of fun things going on around here and I'm now really getting why people love mat leave (I joke that I should write a book about having a baby about what people don't tell you about the first 4 months of having a baby).

One of the things that kept me busy this past month was a cake decorating class.....doesn't that just scream mat leave? Before I took the class I always wondered what type of people took classes like this in the middle of the work day...do you want to know what type of people were there?  Interesting peeps let me tell you, but by the end of the 4 week sessions I can now ice a cake like Buddy. My girlfriend and I took it together and our boys went to her regular daycare together when we were at our class, it was J's first time away from me and away from home really (with the exception of being with family) but Jonah just loved it - he is such a social kid, I feel so good knowing that about him now because it makes me less anxious for when he will have to go to daycare full time.  

I have also been "cooking" up a storm.  And by cooking I mean mostly making up lots of salads.  Especially salads that are good for lunch the next day.

We are also getting fit...by we I mean Kirk and I, not Jonah and I.  His thighs are fine just the way they are ;) K and I both kind of reached our breaking point of being sick and tired of feeling so blah and are now making an effort to be healthy - actually eating all 3 meals a day and not filling our faces with junk at night....we are the classic couple who got married and just got lazy together.  But we're committed to changing that - we've been eating pretty clean for about 2 weeks now and also have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred video when we can (ridiculous we don't fit it in every day since it's literally 20 minutes but some days is better than no days right?) It is so much better being committed to being healthy together than doing it alone that's for sure.

I also had my first weekend away - my girlfriends from grade school/high school and I planned it back in January to celebrate our 30th birthdays together and we went up north for 2 nights and spent all day Saturday at The Scandinave Spa which should just be renamed Heaven on Earth for ease's sake.

 It is an outdoor spa with plunge pools, hot and cold and then relax rooms with either steam, sauna or just Muskoka chairs and magazines....I'm sure I've mentioned it before on here because I'm pretty much in love with it.  I don't exactly know why or how it works but you basically just do hot/cold/relax circuit a few times and by the end of it you literally feel like butter.  We topped it off with some amazing massages and an awesome dinner out combined with tons of laughs and girl talk.  It couldn't have been better.  I did miss J a bunch but I don't think he really noticed I was gone which is good - he looked up and gave me a huge smile when I got home then went back to playing with his toys.... I am sure he thought it was pretty strange when I picked him up and started crying and smothering him with lots of hugs and kisses ;)
These girls and I have been through a ton together - I feel so blessed to have each of them in my life.