Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jonah @ 18 months

Pin It Now! Today is Jonah's year and a half marker - pretty hard to believe last year at this time I had a 6 month old baby and wasn't even pregnant with Liam and this year I have my two beautiful babies!
We go to the doctor's in a few weeks for his checkup but I had him get on our scale this morning and it looks like his 28 pounds, my big sack of potatoes.  I had him get on the scale because I was curious about his weight but also because I have had to become a total entertainer/distractor these days to keep him busy/out of trouble.  He is a wonderful boy - SO boisterous and ultra curious - into anything and everything and runs everywhere.
At 18 months - Jonah:
-Loves to eat!  Especially soup with rice and veggies and chicken or ground beef, meatballs, fruit - watermelon, grapes, tangerines, kiwi and strawberries.  His favourite treats are french fries and timbits.
-So far doesn't seem crazy about eggs, cheese (what the heck?) and raisins
-Loves to play outside, runs around, shoots a ball around with his mini hockey stick
-Started talking more and tries to repeat words.  Favourites are: Dada, Hieeeee, Stuck, Duck, Babeee, Meee Mee, Momma, Quack and Moo.
-LOVES to sing and dance.  The boy has rythem.  Bops his little bum around anytime a song comes on the tv, radio, a toy - whatever, he's not picky.  Hums songs all day long, Frere Jaques is his current have.
-Is a sweet soul to his brother, always trying to rock him, put in his soother, say hi - but a bit jealous I think as he's also gotten a little suckier since he's been here.
-Starting to use his own spoon.
-Thinks it's funny to do something naughty then look over and give a HUGE big cheeky smile.  It's hard not to laugh.
-Still a great sleeper, goes down between 6-7 and wakes around 7-8 with one afternoon nap, sometimes two on the weekends.

-Just now starting to play strange if someone new comes to the door or if someone he doesn't know tries to talk to him when we are out.  Still wants to be social but acts a bit bashful now to strangers. 
-Loves to be a helper - particularly with the vacuum! 
-Is really into how things work, super picky about the toys that he finds interesting and really only interested in toys that "do something" (stacking, building etc).  
-Makes me proud to be his mom! 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Liam @ One Month

Pin It Now!
One month? Four weeks?  Eek - how on earth did that happen?  I'm glad I remembered really - I am the youngest child so am trying to make a conscious effort not to forget to document things for Liam in the same manner that I did for Jonah -BUT - I do have to say now that I have two - I completely understand how it happens!  And it's not what I would have thought (that I'd be too busy, frazzled, distracted, etc) - it's more that with Liam here we just feel so natural and since we've been through it all before I forget that he's new.  It's like this team of four is an engine that's plugging away together - It is so nice!
So at one month Liam...:
-Sleeps!  The child sleeps!  Praise the Lord.  For sure my favourite habit of his :) - he is a really restful soul, goes down at about 8 or so and sleeps till 3 some nights then back up at 6 or so - other nights will be up at 1 and then again at 5 or so - its nuts and the complete opposite of his brother so completely NOT what i was expecting.  I tend to wake up to check on him if he goes longer than 5 hours but he's gaining weight steadily so I'm not going to rock the boat on that one.
-Lifts his head and neck when he's perched on one of us - has a crazy strong neck, was born that way!  Came out and started peeking around like a little bird.
-Weighs 10 lbs .07oz, and steadily gaining weight
-Still has long little chicken legs and a skinny bum and is still all "curled up" like a pretzel if you unswaddle him.
-Is hairy!  Ha!  Makes me laugh that he has hair all over his body
-Started to look around and focus
-Loves his hands, grasps around his face - I have a feeling he'll have a special blankie or stuffie in the future.

-Hated his first few baths but seemed to like the last one (although he's only had 5 total.  Stinky pants.  I sort of feel guilty about it because it's totally the second child thing happening here but am definitely more laid back this time and he just seems cool with it, I mean he's a boy and boys like dirt right?).
-Becoming a lot more alert during the daytime with lots of coos and squeaks.  Lets us know if he wants a new diaper, is hungry etc.  Likes to eat every few hours during the day.
-Takes his soother and likes to chillax with it during the day and a little bit at night.
-Not really a fan of the car or his swing yet - getting a bit better with both but during the day likes to be flat in his bassinet with his arms above his head.
-Sleeps in his crib at night in the miracle blanket then with a little baby sleeping bag on top for some extra warmth
-Is a pretty great sport considering the amount of poking (Jonah), licking (Ben) and "rocking" (Jonah) that goes on.  We're working on being gentle.
I cannot believe that I have a one month old and an almost one and a half year old!  Jonah turns one and a half on Tuesday, his favourite song these days is the Happy Birthday song so I'm going to do a little something special for him to celebrate ;0)