I ended up being induced last Thursday - my dr. gave me the choice of being induced then or waiting over the weekend - I was 8 days overdue at that point so chose to go ahead with the induction even though I was wanting to have him naturally - I was just at the end of my rope by that point, SO big and uncomfortable - and rightfully so - the little guy weighed in at 8.5 pounds and an extra long 22 inches! He is long and skinny - opposite of Jonah who was 8.6 lbs and 20 inches - he is our chubby bunny. Other than that Jonah and Liam are so similar looking - I see a bit more of me in Liam but overall they are really really similar - I'm thrilled b/c obviously I think Jonah is just the cutest! And his birthdate allowed for my dear friend Emily to meet him right before she moved to South Africa so the timing was great.
Jonah is having a bit of a tough time with the transition - he loves his bro and wants to look at him, kiss him and gently touch him - but we do notice he's being a little "suckier" than normal - wanting to be picked up, crying on a dime etc - just not his normal happy go lucky self - we are giving him lots of cuddles and attention to help him with the transition and I know pretty soon it will pass but it's heartbreaking none the less. I keep telling him we love him so much and we are so lucky to have him but he's not even a year and a half old so I'm sure the whole thing is just confusing to him. He is our little pet though - funnier by the day - he loves having his hair brushed, it's seriously the most adorable thing on earth to watch, his eyes close and he smiles when we brush his hair. He also loves to dance - if music comes on or if we start to sing he shakes his little booty and turns around.
Liam is a wonderful baby - I swear I have gotten more sleep in the last week than I got in Jonah's first month of life and I really don't think I'm exaggerating - part of it is that I'm more relaxed I'm sure so when he's sleeping I am able to sleep also but part of it is that he's just easier to get to sleep and stays asleep so far - he's already slept a few nights in his crib which has been great. It's also worked out that he goes down initially a bit earlier than Jonah as a newborn which is nice because has given Kirk and I a bit of a break in the evenings. I know that any day his sleep schedule could turn on a dime so I'm thankful for each restful night we have.

1 comment :
he is just adorable! love!!
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