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This is the eve of my due date with baby number 2 - clearly he's following in his big bro's footsteps and going to show up fashionably late and while with Jonah I was itching to go into labour at this time in my pregnancy (or about 2 or 3 weeks prior if I'm being honest) this time around I'm enjoying these last few days of solitude and rest before the baby arrives. And the fact that I am blow drying my hair while on the laptop. Two things that I know I may not get to do again (let alone in tandem) for quite some time!
I worked right up till the 11th hour with this pregnancy and this past week it's really hit me (partially) just how much our lives are about to change. I know I will never be fully prepared for what's about to happen but I just had a lot more time to think about things with Jonah. With this pregnancy whenever I did have time to pause and think about a baby I just automatically thought of Jonah. The truth is? He's turned into a little boy on us!
All of the sudden Jonah is just off and at 'em - he started walking about 3 months ago and never looked back. His new speed is full fledged run and I joke (sort of) that he has two speeds: Running and sleeping. The kid is a wild child. I do not know where he gets his endless supply of energy - must just be a boy thing but he does not take after Kirk and I and our couch potato ways at all - even to take a bottle he has to be moving - walking around or twiddling one of his legs or waving his hands. He is a wonderful, joyful and social boy - just loves to laugh and visit with people. He loves his daycare which is a huge plus since I can't imagine being home with him and a newborn by myself all day every day - not that I wouldn't love spending the time with him but would literally be a logistical nightmare. This morning when I was getting ready for the day he figured out how to climb up onto our very high bed and then proceeded to jump head first into the pillows. Ha! He also loves climbing onto tables, tupperwares, basically anything he can get his little legs up while I'm happy to have the flexibility to have him home with me - at least for the first few months of this new babies life I'm happy to have daycare!

I am proud of how we've worked together as a family since I've been back at work. I was so nervous for these last 5 months - how we would balance our work lives with our family lives but all of us did really great. I enjoyed working a lot more than I was expecting (I was actually sad to leave all my friends on my last day!) and Kirk and Jonah were both champs. Was tough for Kirk I know to have to leave a lot earlier than we had in the past but he did great and Jonah did really well with super long days at daycare. I'm happy that for the next year I'll be able to keep him on a more flexible schedule.
I haven't been good at keeping up this blog - mostly because one of the sacrifices of going back to work full time was that there really was just less time left at the end of the day - but we did a lot as a family these past few months, went away to Florida for a week and went to Mont Tremblant with my family - both trips were awesome, and I do want to keep this blog up to chronicle the boys milestones - it is such a nice thing to be able to look back upon since life is just continuing to move faster and faster.

I am nervous in a whole different way for this baby's arrival. All of the things I knew nothing about with Jonah will now be no biggie - changing diapers, feeding etc - and I know I'll be less hard on myself for things I can't control like not sleeping and having a fussy baby etc - I know now from Jonah that newborns cry a lot, and sleep in small spurts, and no book tells you how to get them to stop doing either of those things because to be honest? That's just what they do and they will outgrow it. What I do worry about this time is having enough of me to go around, to give Jonah the love and attention he has and to give it to a new little person also. I have to believe that the love we have for Jonah will just multiply and there will be a different place in my heart for this new baby but just as large.
See you soon ;)