I remember watching the movie Now and Then when it came out and hoping that me and my girlfriends would stay friends all those years later - we were 14 when the movie came out, and as hopeful as I was it also did seem so far away. Now - 17 years later we are woman. Closer in age to the parents in the movie then the kids....eek. Hard to believe, but true.
This pic recently resurfaced as we were gathering images for a book to give to Em before she goes away - I remember this day so clearly, it was our last big outing just before we all left for University. We were 18/19 and leaving each other seemed like the worst thing ever. We would spend every day together, by our lockers, going out for lunch, going tanning at lunch (yuck!) and having lattes and bagels together. It was pre-Facebook, pre-internet really...most of our evenings of high school were spent on the phone with each other (a landline) for hours on end. Analyzing, gossiping, talking about what we did that day (even though we were always all together). It was such a familiar routine.

Fast forward 12 years and this is us now. So far there are 4 kids, 4 dogs, 4 husbands and 6 significant others. We each have our own lives - independent of one another, our own careers, homes, lifestyles. We don't see each other every day anymore. But we do stay in touch. There are little ways we integrate into each others everyday lives. Through texting, or Facebook, or emails throughout the day, visits when we can swing it. Remarkably I think we'd all agree that we are closer than ever. Any pettiness or cattiness that plagued us throughout high school is gone - washed away by girls that have grown together into supportive women. What's left is a strong group of woman who I'm so proud to call my friends.
I love that these girls that I grew up with be known by my kids as their Aunties. So special.
This made me teary, thanks for sharing Virgie - love you xo
This is so sweet, Virginia:) How are you feeling these days??
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