So now this boy is 6 months old!
He’s fully graduated from 6 months clothing just in time for his half-birthday – he’s now in 12 months and in some things even 18 months. His ham hock legs are just too big for 6 month things, we did the jump and pull a few times with some of his pants but then realized it was all in vain. So now he’s more comfy in bigger pants!
He cut his 4th tooth this past weekend so he is now getting pretty toothy with that grin of his.
He weighed in at 19lbs11oz and measured 27 inches at his 6 month appointment - I think that puts him more mid range -- he just grew so fast there for a few months.
I feel like I’m living on a different planet than I was two months ago – now that J sleeps, I sleep and that makes all the difference in the world. He goes down at around 7 and wakes between 5 and 6 but then goes back to sleep until around 6 or 7 plus he naps! In his crib! This has been the best change by far – he is a happier baby because of it and I’m a happier mom. I’m now getting to do all of the things that I thought mat leave would be full of – cooking, baking, cleaning – it’s been fun. I feel like my house is finally somewhat in order – closets are organized, little repairs around the house are getting done. I love that feeling.
He loves his jumparoo and excersaucer – except hasn’t really figured out the bouncing part.
Has started noticing other babies – for the first time when he saw Keira and Hudson he kind of knew they were there.
He is still working on rolling – I think those big leggies are a bit of a hindrances.
Working on sitting – still a bit of tippage going on
Eating lots of food! He loves brown rice cereal and rice and banana cereal – we tried peas but those were not a crowd pleaser but he just tried sweet potatoes and loved them.
He likes to drink water and has a bottle with his cereal.
I really can't remember life without him :)
What a cutie! Great pic! Time really does go so quickly...
He's so big, and so cute!
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