We also got the closet done in that room to have drawers and low hanging space becuase it's not a huge room and we didn't want to have to get tons of furniture.
We painted the beanboard white and the upper trim (about a foot or so) cream and ordered a simple white crib and dresser. Essentially what we had created for ourselves was a blank slate - we did all of these before we knew it was a boy (even though I knew!) but this way we have a gender neutral nursery that we'll be able to use again.
Then we decided to go shopping for bedding and other "decor stuff" for the room. There were all these "baby bed in a bag kits" and although I don't know much (yet) I was pretty sure you didn't need a giant duvet for a baby (i checked with my neighbour and i was right). Then whenever we would go into baby stores to ask what we would need the clerk asked us what our "theme" was. I panicked a bit (b/c we clearly didn't have a theme) and told our our theme was "baby" (ha - i thought this was very clever....I don't think the lady in the store agreed) but then felt silly becuase i realized i should have said "Ducks" or "Airplanes' or something.... as we went to more and more stores i felt more pressure to do a "theme" - boats, construction, whales, lambs, themes were everywhere.....we settled on lambs - b/c it matched the rest of our nursery (creams, whites, browns) but i was never really sold on the lambs. K. liked them the most out of the stuff we saw so I went with it but when we got them home i just felt these particular lambs were a bit fugly. I like lambs normally and no offence to those that do love lambs but I just couldn't picture myself spending that much time in a room with an animal drawing that I would be constantly critiquing (I could just picture myself up at 3am nursing the baby staring at the lambs thinking I KNOW could draw a better lamb!)
then i stumbled upon this site and i realized that baby doesn't really = boring, and it doesn't really need to be all about the baby either - heck i'll be spending a lot of time in there too and frankly he won't even really remember what it looked like. Once I had that revelation I became a lot more "into" the baby's room.
so without further ado here is what the baby's room WILL have:
This cute owl from Etsy

this manhattan poster and this brooklyn poster from 3 potato 4 (i ordered these a while ago but felt it was kind of mean to put something in the babies room that he wouldn't really love - but then i realized who am i kidding myself, just b/c the kid wont' be able to read the prints doesn't mean he won't like the colors and frankly i doubt having a picture of a monkey on the wall would have made him any happier anyway)
a custom quilt from this lovely shop on etsy (in turquoise, grey, white, yellow and a bit of orange)
and then i'm planning on moving some of the prints i already have scattered around into the baby's room (again not "baby" prints but they'll work).
so that is that - i'll update with a tour de nursery once we get rolling.
on a seperate note i can't beleive i've got just 3 months to go!
1 comment :
How exciting - not long to go now!!
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