When along the pavement,
Palpitating flames of life,
People flicker round me,
I forget my bereavement,
The gap in the great constellation,
The place where a star used to be.
DH Lawrence, Submergence
I love this quote because I do think grief erodes over time but loss really never goes away, it just shifts its shape and ends up changing us. There is still a space left behind.
Had a fun fun weekend with family and friends. Celebrated Meaghan’s bday on Sat night out with the Aurora girls – we had a blast. Really I think I probably had too good of a time - but to revert back to my point above, to me dancing my heart out whilst flailing a glowstick above my head and shouting “it’s a rave! It’s 1996!” followed by having two servings of poutine at 3am is just one of the ways I have learned to embrace life. Fromage but true it’s these times with my friends that remind me that time is so fleeting and things can change in a blink. I think the expression blissfully unaware is an oxymoron – I think it’s better to be aware and appreciate everything, the good and the bad b/c it’s really that juxtaposition that makes you realize how good the good can be isn’t it?
On a lighter note ordered my dress for Nicki’s wedding! Woo – so excited. I got it from JCrew.com and I think that it will be fabulous but we shall see when it gets here, just got an email letting me know that it's been shipped (I really hope I don't get gauged for customs), the inital style I wanted was sold out till Sept but I think I'm going to like it. What do you think?

What’s making me happy as of late is organizing myself into oblivion. I have re-arranged all of my scrapping pages in to these:

American Crafts albums - so love that they are all the exact same album and I don’t have multiple sizes and shapes flailing around my house – I’m a bit of a nut that way, once I get on a kick there is really no stopping me until it’s done (v. surprised that I already have 3 albums full of pages - wow). Also have been attacking my closet as of late. Went from looking like Ben barfed in it to somewhat organized and that makes me happy
Tres excited about this find I found today at lunch:

Got it for almost half price at HomeSense – I looked on Amazon and they have a similar price so if you are interested buy it online. Excited to check this out, word on the blogk (I made that up – you like? Blog + blog) is that it’s a great book. Started looking tonight, I'm only at "B" for Botanical Pressing but so far really enjoying it.
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