Well 3 nights really...full of lots of fun and lots of food. Had a blast in NYC with my parents & K this past weekend, one of the highlights was seeing Jersey Boys - def need to get that soundtrack...totally reinforces my belief that I would have totally fit in in that era. Aside from Jersey Boys all we did was quite literally eat and drink - it was delightful!
Look at these flowers from Dean & Deluca...I wish I had unlimited funds and unlimited access to that place, it's seriously awesome. 
I think one of the highlights was teaching my 'rents what fugly meant. They loved it and used it a lot during the w/end just reinforcing again why they are the greatest.
Here is one of our celeb sightings:
Here's a pic of my fav. place on earth - Balthazar. I was trying to take different pics this weekend and not use my flash...b/c #1 this screams tourist and #2 I just think pics look better.
I'm also just getting the hang of twitter...so if you are on tweet me!
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