Friday, February 3, 2012


Pin It Now! Our lives right now are upside-down -- not in a bad way, but just in a nutty way!  We made kind of a rash decision that we would do some reno's to our house before baby #2 makes his way here and are now scrambling like mad to get everything done.  Between that and work and family time it's left little time for anything else.
My scrapbooking stuff is stashed away but it will be worth it in the end - part of our renos include finishing our basement with a dedicated craft area - woot!
We have had a great start to 2012 - we visited my parents in Naples - I haven't had a chance to download the pics yet but there are some great ones.  This layout is from our visit prior just before I finished up mat leave.
Jonah is such a funny boy these days - he's starting to really get into playing with toys and figure out how things work.  He also LOVES to eat - tonight we went for sushi and he ate an entire bowl of rice, an entire serving of edamame, some chicken teriyaki and some udon noodles.  Cute boy.
In other news I am obsessed with Pinterest lately - going to add a follow button here on my blog.
Have a great day!

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