Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog day

Pin It Now! Damn ugly groundhog saw his shadow - you know what that means people.....6 more weeks of salt on the uggs, frozen steering wheel in the morning, and icy sidewalks - all in all general ickiness. Seriously though there was never really a could something that hideous bear good news?

I have been out-blogged by some spoiled Manhattanites over at - who decided that a bunch of stuck up bankers girlfriends was NYTimes worthy? I guess I have some work to do to get props from the mainstream blogosphere. Loyal followers - thank you for your support...when I make it big I'll remember you.

We had Sophie's Jack and Jill this weekend - was a fun time with some gold friends. I love how spending time with friends from the past makes me revert to feeling that age again - I hope it's always like that.

1 comment :

YYZtoNYC said...

That picture cracks me up everytime I see it! :-) Keep on bloggin'....