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This life of mine is so different now then it was two years ago. K. and I have been reminiscing about how quickly and how much our lives have changed in such a short period of time. I am constantly amazed by how normal this all feels considering just how DIFFERENT it is. I got my hair done this week for the first time in I think around 6 months judging by my roots and was amazed to hear myself telling my hairdresser that the amount of sleep you get just somehow feels normal and you get used to living on less sleep. I remember I used to be the type of person that would count the hours of sleep I'd get and if it was in the 8-10hr zone I would be happy, anything under 8 hours and I'd plan for a rough day. Now I think that 8 hours would be a small miracle and I think my new normal is probably between 5 and 7 but honestly I've stopped counting.
I really feel so blessed to have these two little boys in my life and it really is all the little things that I love most:
The gross fuzz in between Liam's toes
Cleaning up Jonah's thousand little plastic toys after he is in bed
Folding tiny clothes
Checking in on Jonah at night - he's getting big enough that he knows how to open his sleep sac zipper so I'll tuck his legs back in and do up the zipper
Getting scared by Jonah when he shouts"BO!"
Seeing Liam's little eyes light up at the sight of his big bro
Hiding Jonah's little sesame street characters in various places around the house and watching him get so excited when he finds them
Maintaining our house: Cleaning, menu planning, grocery shopping, tidying up in the evenings when I know they are both sound asleep upstairs.
I was lucky enough to knock out a few layouts for Liam a week or so ago when he took a miraculously long nap - I am still obsessed with all things teal and yellow:

Liam is two months old this week - eee! We had his 8 week check up and I forgot to ask how long he was but he is 12lbs.09oz so trucking along in the weight department....I knew that his carrier was starting to feel heavier! He is getting even better with his sleeping now going from about 9 or so until 5:30 or 6am - it's been so wonderful - I need to get better at going to bed earlier b/c I'll just stay up in the morning until Jonah is up now so need to get better at heading to bed before 11:30 or so. Liam has been fussy in the evenings and eventually will go down at about 8:30 or 9. He's started smiling and coo-ing, almost conversationally. It's cute! His little heart birthmark on his chest is now really red and raised - it is adorable and turns out he has a tiny one on his cheek too...I thought it was just a little scrape but nope, it's another strawberry. We go lots of places together. I've started going to the gym a few times a week so he comes with me and so far is a pro at the daycare there. He's also started to tolerate his mamaroo for a few minutes at a time which is handy come dinner time. He is starting to like to kick around in his activity mat too which is another dinnertime helper. The toughest part of our day is Jonah's dinnertime because they are just both cranky so what I'll normally do is either wheel over Liam's bassinet to the table or put his carseat up on the table so that I can have one hand for each of them. Normally by the time Kirk gets home at 6 or so I'm pretty wiped from that dinner hour mayhem but the rest of the day they are pretty good together. I am thankful for the break I have with Jonah at daycare, the mornings with both of them have become a nice routine, I let them each wake up on their own time and we just take our time getting ready, playing and having breakfast.

K gotta run - sounds like nap time is done!