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I'm a big fan of paper banners - they are really "in" right now with scrappers - I saw this great tutorial for a paper banner on Nicole Harpers blog - I have a similar punch only larger so decided to try it out and I loved how it turned out:
We are enjoying our weekend - I got my nails shellac'ed with a french manicure that will last for 2 weeks this morning - heavenly! J is working on rolling over - he's almost there. So cute.
Happy Saturday!
everyday life documented as a wife and mom of two little boys, in a house filled with noise, laughter and a boston terrier thats nuts. loving this crazy journey we are on together and this blog is my attempt to document things when i remember so i won't forget! i have put away my business suits for the time being and am an official stay at home momma but i love my gig as a Stella and Dot stylist - my ramblings here will be a mix of kids, style, food and house stuff....enjoy!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
3 month layout
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Here is the layout:
And here is the journalling:
@ 3 Months Jonah:
Will now sit on his bouncy chair on the kitchen island while I prep and cook dinner (this is a win considering a month ago I could barely put him down for 5 minutes)
Is smiling and cooing and laughing every day - it's so sweet - I'm also pretty sure he's straight because he flirts with all the girls (not that I'd care if he wasn't)
has gotten so animated - always laughing and giving BIG smiles - especially out of one side of your mouth (like his dad)
We have found our groove together - we go out most days, to visit friends, to the mall, to the grocery store – he is are SO heavy in his bucket seat
Got a TOOTH! A real genuine pearly white - it's nuts, it came in just shy of 3 months (at 12 weeks) it didn't seem to bother him coming in but he had been obsessed with his hands the last few weeks and I thought it was just because he was trying to suck his thumb
Have a great day
Ok - I am slowly getting caught up with these monthly posts - can't believe my little man is already 4 months old - now I know what people mean when they tell their babe's to slow down. I'm so excited for all that is to come in this little guys life but I already miss his days being super mini.
This is the first layout I've typed my journalling for - it was actually super easy b/c I had documented before I did the layout on my BlackBerry so all I had to do was print it out onto cardstock (although I did end up having to print it about 7 times as I figured out how to use our printer lol - but definitely something I'll be doing again and it's handy when I've got a lot to say like I did for this layout) - I printed two narrow long paragraphs and then just folded accordion style and tucked them into this little KI envelope (which I love btw)
And here is the journalling:
@ 3 Months Jonah:
Started going to a mommy and me class - I totally kept feeling like I was in a scene from Modern Family except Cam and Mitchell didn't show up (darn) - and also as much as the "new me" would tell the "old me" to shut up most of the time New Me and Old Me agree that although it was nice for J to go to the class and I do think he liked looking around at the other babies there I really think the whole reading a book aloud and singing group songs was slightly lost on him :)
Will now sit on his bouncy chair on the kitchen island while I prep and cook dinner (this is a win considering a month ago I could barely put him down for 5 minutes)
Is smiling and cooing and laughing every day - it's so sweet - I'm also pretty sure he's straight because he flirts with all the girls (not that I'd care if he wasn't)
has gotten so animated - always laughing and giving BIG smiles - especially out of one side of your mouth (like his dad)
We have found our groove together - we go out most days, to visit friends, to the mall, to the grocery store – he is are SO heavy in his bucket seat
Got a TOOTH! A real genuine pearly white - it's nuts, it came in just shy of 3 months (at 12 weeks) it didn't seem to bother him coming in but he had been obsessed with his hands the last few weeks and I thought it was just because he was trying to suck his thumb
Weighs 16lbs 4.5 oz and measures in at 25 3/4 inches - so still up there but not growing quite as rapidly as the first few months (which I'm happy about because now he can actually wear some of his clothes for more than two weeks!)
We have gone back to the swaddle at night - abandoned the free hands and mitts at about 9 weeks - his arm movements were still too spastic at night and he kept waking himself up.
Still takes a LONG time to get down for the first time at night but it is definitely getting better - we put him down around 8 or 9 and he'll fall asleep between 10-11 - up at 3 or 4 to feed (or 6 if I'm lucky) and then typically up at 6 for the second time and he gets to come into our bed for a little snuggle till about 8 or 9
Is starting to nap a bit in his crib during the day - the nights were so tough at first that that is what I was focused on but now that those are coming together we're working on the daytime crib naps. I wouldn't mind him being downstairs with me but it is SO cold here and the house is drafty so it's cozier up there and I think long term better for him to be used to it anyway
I'm off to give the little guy a snuggle - we are working on sleep training this week and nights are going pretty well but days are still a bit spotty. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Exciting news
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I am so happy to be able to share that I've been selected for the Design Team at The Scrapping Turtle for the next 6 months. When I'm not on mat leave and working in Waterloo I love to visit the Turtle regularly to check out all the fun products that they have there, I often order scrapping stuff in the mail which is great but nothing beats seeing the supplies in real life. I'm looking forward to a fun 6 months with this great team.
I have been a bit behind with scrapping and blogging lately but just picked up a boatload of prints from Wallymart so now I'm all set to get started again. Here is a "catch up" page that I made of Jonah's second month. I found this great sketch on Davinie's blog so it helped it come together pretty quickly (which I love these days). I took this pic on my BlackBerry but if you want to read the journalling you can click to this post
Got to run - we are off to Baby Zumba this morning....if you don't know what Zumba is look it up on youtube - I wish I had a picture of Jonah's face as he watches me do's one that I'm sure I'll see many more times as a mom but it kills me - he literally looks at me like he's embarrassed (haha!)
I have been a bit behind with scrapping and blogging lately but just picked up a boatload of prints from Wallymart so now I'm all set to get started again. Here is a "catch up" page that I made of Jonah's second month. I found this great sketch on Davinie's blog so it helped it come together pretty quickly (which I love these days). I took this pic on my BlackBerry but if you want to read the journalling you can click to this post
I am slowly but surely getting caught up with some of my past pages - I'm hoping to spend some time in the next little while organizing my blog a bit and changing the design, I'm not sure why it bugs me so much that it's not very organized but it does.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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It seems like wherever you go to shop everyone has a "members club" - most of the time I find these a pain and not worth the energy or time but there are a few companies that I love to be loyal to and I think really pay off -
Studio Calico members get a discount and you get a special discount on your birthday month - I used mine last month to purchase the Mossy Knoll add on kit and can't wait to play with it!
Sephora Insiders members get points with every purchase and you don't have to have your card with you which I love because I never have mine. You can also use at stores in US and Canada and while I don't spend a ton there pretty much every time I go I get a little sample and have found a few great products there like this one
(which if you have Dora-esque hair like me I highly recommend - it is the first product I've found that works for me in humid weather)
I also got a super cute Philosophy body wash last month because it was my bday (bonus!)
Here is one of the pages I'm playing catch up with for blogging - I made this mostly with items from my October Afternoon Santa's Sack - this was an awesome deal and the customer service was ah-ma-zing! I am looking forward to printing and creating more new pages soon!
Happy Saturday!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Spring shopping!
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I am slowly getting back to my pre pregnancy weight but there are just some changes to my body that my old wardrobe isn't really a fan of. I'm sick of trying to hold down the back of my shirt every time I bend down and my old clothes don't really do me any favours in the stomach area so I decided to use my birthday money this year to invest in some new "mompropriate but not momish" clothes.
Here are a few of the goodies I picked up (PS the deals at the actual store are way better than what's listed online so if you live near one you should check it out)
This shirt
and this one - both are baggy and long near the dreaded muffin top area but still stylish
Happy Wednesday!
Here are a few of the goodies I picked up (PS the deals at the actual store are way better than what's listed online so if you live near one you should check it out)
This shirt
and this one - both are baggy and long near the dreaded muffin top area but still stylish
these capris
this tank will look so cute under a sweater
and finally here is one of my recent layouts - I love this song by Sugarland but it pretty much perfectly sums up the first few months of life with Jonah - I know to cherish this time because it won't be long before I'll be wishing for it back
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