everyday life documented as a wife and mom of two little boys, in a house filled with noise, laughter and a boston terrier thats nuts. loving this crazy journey we are on together and this blog is my attempt to document things when i remember so i won't forget! i have put away my business suits for the time being and am an official stay at home momma but i love my gig as a Stella and Dot stylist - my ramblings here will be a mix of kids, style, food and house stuff....enjoy!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
12th Day of Christmas
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
11th Day of Christmas
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
10th Day of Christmas
Hersheys Kisses in Chocolate Mint and Candy Cane Flavours
Reindeer Corn
Studio Calico
Parking for people with babies!
JJ Cole Bundle me carseat cover
Monday, December 20, 2010
9th Day of Christmas
What Ben must be thinking......
"mmm lunch" (kidding)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
8th day of Christmas
Saturday, December 18, 2010
7th Day of Christmas
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
4th Day of Christmas
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
3rd day of Christmas
Also thankful for this Kissed Baby sling - I had to return the other sling b/c J thought it was the equivalent of a torture device - he much prefers this one and it buys me a few hours every morning hands free.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
12 days of thankful - day one
We had a big day yesterday – I took Jonah by myself to Toronto to meet his Auntie’s and have a girls afternoon Christmas get together….we do it every year and this year it was amazing – and we did it, just the two of us our first time out together and we made it there on time with all of the things we needed and he was a great boy in the car. . When we were downtown I saw the CN Tower all lit up for Christmas and got so excited. We listened to the Christmas station on Satellite Radio the entire time – and I started thinking about this Christmas, how it IS so special for us – so different than any other Christmas – and I realized that even though I don’t have time for a tree this year and won’t bake toblerone shortbreads or wrap the gifts in fancy paper with matching ribbon that this is one of the best Chirstmases we’ve had, that our lives are so full. That there is so much to be thankful for…..
Like this little boy who was born 4 days earlier than J - and J ended up being born on Hudson's due date. That they will always have that story that binds them. That his mommy and I can get together and take pictures of them together holding hands acting like besties the same way we used to get together when we were 13 years old and take posed pictures of our friends. That she is a great mom – a total natural. I knew she would be – she’s always loved babies, but it made me so proud to see her in her element, almost took my breath away – such a special person and an inspiration to me.
I'll be back tomorrow with more!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Our new life
I had expected that it may take me a few days to bond with the baby once he got here and I don't know if it's because we had some compications during his delivery but the moment I saw him I thought he was the most beautiful creature I'd ever laid eyes on and my heart just grew a special place for him.
Things are SO different now. We used to just pick up early on weekends and zip out and about all over town - today we made it out of the house by 1pm and that felt like a big win. Then once we got to the mall all I could think was "this place is so LOUD" "this place is so BUSY" - and then just trolled for other people with babies to see how old thier babies looked.
I've been out a few times without him and every time I go out I want to go up to people and tell them "I have a baby - he's at home" - particularly if I see someone with a baby - I just want to shout "I have a baby too!"
I have never been more thankful for
Grocery Delivery
Walmart Photo delivery
Baby Oxi Clean
The Miracle Blanket
I am also very excited for this:
So dorky I know but am totally going to try to get tickets!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
My best moment - 11.15.10 - 3:34pm
Saturday, November 6, 2010
D Day

Today is my due date! Although doesn't look like Baby boy is quite ready to join us just yet (well it LOOKS like it but it doesn't seem like he will hee hee).
In some ways the past 10 months have crawled and in other ways they've flown by. I am now at the point where I am feeling like every minute is an hour - I know in the grand scheme of things waiting another week or two is NOT a big deal and I just keep trying to picture this big beautiful baby that's waiting to come out (and judging by the size of my belly he's a big one) - but to be honest - it's getting tough! My ribs and abdomen feel like they are being torn a part each time I laugh or sneeze - I guess am just physically running out of room for this little guy but at the same time I keep reminding myself that once he is here the time will literally just FLY - that in the same time it took for him to grow inside of me he'll be 10 months old! At Christmas time he'll be almost 6 weeks and by my Birthday he'll be 4 months old.
So in the meantime I have been keeping busy by doing some scrapbooking pages - haven't printed the pics yet so they are only partially done - I figure once he's here I'll have tons to print so will wait and do a big print run all at once.
Have also been doing some last minute shopping - today we got a baby sling - I was overwhelmed with the Babies R Us selection and lack of help so we went to a little boutique near us and I got great service and decided on this one by Blue Celery - I like it becuase you can use it as a baby sling (just using one of the loops) or a full on hands free wrap. I practiced in the store on a doll - I'm sure it's a little more complicated when it's a real baby ;)
I have also developed a really wicked knowledge of all things pop culture and could talk for about 30 minutes straight about Portia on Ellen vs. Portia on Oprah and Ricky Martin finally coming out and Sister Wives on TLC. As much as it has been such a treat to be off work with literally nothing to do but cook, clean and watch TV the last four weeks I do feel like I'm losing a bit of perspective on reality so am ready for this baby to get here...but at the same time I know that this month of pure indulgence will probably really never happen again for me so I definitley am thankful for it (also the fact that I have mid day bouts of narcolepsy have made being home with zero responsibilities very convenient!). I can only imagine these last few weeks of pregancy when you have other little ones to care for - I'm sure it must be extra tough!
This pillow from Etsy took forever to get here but now that it's in the nursery I think it really ties things together! I also love the Manhattan print on the wall - NYC is a special place for K&I - it's where we got engaged and then also went on our honeymoon so I'm happy I was able to work it into the babies room.
Look at all these cute stuffies! Ben totally thinks the squeekie ones are for him.....eek
Well that's all for today - hopefully I'll be back sooner than later with a Baby update!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A baby is such a good excuse for a party
these pics make me laugh because although I know how big I am I kind of don't really realize until I see pics like this - ha ha! Bumpalicious! I can remember back when I was first preggo trying on the foam belly at Gap Maternity and doing a ridiculous dance for Kirk and my Mom in it thinking "there is NO WAY I'll ever get THIS BIG" ...hmmm, I was wrong ;)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Freezer dinners
Throughout the week I found my groove and got some good cooking done for when baby gets here.
I made this Martha Stewart lentil soup and froze a bunch of it in individual mason jars and then this Giada marinara sauce with turkey meatballs - we had it for dinner on Thurs night and it was delish.
Up Monday is this Italian wedding soup also from Giada - I mix it up a bit and put pastina pasta instead of the egg in the broth and then spinach instead of escarole but this is a yummy freezer dinner.
I'm still on the hunt for more good freez-able meals that we can heat up easily once the baby gets here so holla back if you know of any ;) -- my offical due date is 3 weeks today so geting close!
have a great day - xoxo
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Tour De Nursery
the things that i won't miss are how sore my back has gotten sitting all day at my desk or the intense pain that has started radiating through my wrists by mid day - physically i think my body is starting to tell me to wind it down. i think mother nature is also having a say in my repertoire these days....I'm up every 2 hrs to pee which was kind of annoying at first but now I'm just kind of used to it and my schedule has just started to shift to be one where i am just not sleeping through the night....hence the really early morning blogging.
onto the baby's room:
we started this project AGES ago - back when my belly was smaller than a small country (see visual reference above ;)) - it seemed aggressive at the time but it took a lot of time for a lot of of what we'd chosen to arrive so it was a good move.
once we decided to abandon our original "baby/lamb" theme and just go for things we liked the process went a lot smoother
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Power of Print
it is clearly an effort by publishers to promote the print medium over the online world but i really like the message.
don't get me wrong - i love the internet. i love to shop, connect, browse online.
but there is something more relaxed about print.
as the internet continues to explode there is something so nice about sitting down with a coffee and a magazine.
latley i've been travelling with hardcopies of Travel and Leisure (even though we have NO trips planned it's fun to read about all the places we may some day go), relaxing with Real Simple and getting recipe ideas from Everyday Food
the internet is still my "go to" quick fix for last minute ideas for dinner etc. but i think there is something to be said about the real deal.
i have been keeping my scrap on (ha!) by participating in some challenges lately like this one over at the Studio Calico blog:
and this one from Crate Paper
i am loving the way these challenges get me to just pick up my supplies and go for it.
have a great day
Friday, August 20, 2010
This is What Summer Looks Like
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sleepy Saturday Morning
rignt now am blogging in bed, watching he's just not that into you and laughing at lines like "so i also have a magical name - it's brother phoenix east horse"
we get baby's furniture delivered today - so excited!
have a great day
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
b is for boy!
in retrospect i'm so glad we did find out for sure - for me this entire pregnancy has finally sunk in but for the longest time i was in a bit of denial so for me knowing has been a great way to be able to bond with the baby and i can't imagine at this point not knowing.
i can't wait to meet our little man and see him for the first time. there is so much i'm looking forward to about becoming a mom.
here are baby's first layouts:
from the first ultrasound -
and is it just me or is this the world's hottest summer!? Try to stay cool today have a great day xoxo
Monday, August 9, 2010
Right now
loving: banana nut cheerios and raspberries
wondering: how i can stay on top of arranging photos and printing on a regular basis (hard for me now as i don't have a set "system" but i know will be even harder once the baby gets here)
waiting: for so many etsy purchases to arrive for baby's room i feel like i may burst.
nervous: for one more work trip far away (am going to make someone come with me b/c can't bear the thought of going by myself)
here are some old projects that i haven't shared yet:
my first 5km run (i was SO proud!)
This pic below is one of my fave's - we took it on our last day in Vancouver - the city skyline is in the back. We had to climb up a huge hill in a park to get to this point - at the time I wondered why i was so winded - now I know -- i was pregnant!
Just a simple page of my two little sweetie pies - these two crack me up
Gearing up for a night of trashy TV thanks to the Bachelor Pad! are you going to tune in?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
I think i am in full fledged nesting mode - this morning I was up at 5am and HAD to steam mop the entire floor (even though it had been done yesterday), then i had to clean under the sink, i felt like Magda from Something about Mary
Friday, August 6, 2010
why i create
when i think about the now i always have something pressing that i'm worried about ....so that's one of the reasons i create.
it helps me focus on the now and appreciate it. and that's really why i scrapbook.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Nursery plans
We also got the closet done in that room to have drawers and low hanging space becuase it's not a huge room and we didn't want to have to get tons of furniture.
We painted the beanboard white and the upper trim (about a foot or so) cream and ordered a simple white crib and dresser. Essentially what we had created for ourselves was a blank slate - we did all of these before we knew it was a boy (even though I knew!) but this way we have a gender neutral nursery that we'll be able to use again.
Then we decided to go shopping for bedding and other "decor stuff" for the room. There were all these "baby bed in a bag kits" and although I don't know much (yet) I was pretty sure you didn't need a giant duvet for a baby (i checked with my neighbour and i was right). Then whenever we would go into baby stores to ask what we would need the clerk asked us what our "theme" was. I panicked a bit (b/c we clearly didn't have a theme) and told our our theme was "baby" (ha - i thought this was very clever....I don't think the lady in the store agreed) but then felt silly becuase i realized i should have said "Ducks" or "Airplanes' or something.... as we went to more and more stores i felt more pressure to do a "theme" - boats, construction, whales, lambs, themes were everywhere.....we settled on lambs - b/c it matched the rest of our nursery (creams, whites, browns) but i was never really sold on the lambs. K. liked them the most out of the stuff we saw so I went with it but when we got them home i just felt these particular lambs were a bit fugly. I like lambs normally and no offence to those that do love lambs but I just couldn't picture myself spending that much time in a room with an animal drawing that I would be constantly critiquing (I could just picture myself up at 3am nursing the baby staring at the lambs thinking I KNOW could draw a better lamb!)
then i stumbled upon this site and i realized that baby doesn't really = boring, and it doesn't really need to be all about the baby either - heck i'll be spending a lot of time in there too and frankly he won't even really remember what it looked like. Once I had that revelation I became a lot more "into" the baby's room.
so without further ado here is what the baby's room WILL have:
This cute owl from Etsy

this manhattan poster and this brooklyn poster from 3 potato 4 (i ordered these a while ago but felt it was kind of mean to put something in the babies room that he wouldn't really love - but then i realized who am i kidding myself, just b/c the kid wont' be able to read the prints doesn't mean he won't like the colors and frankly i doubt having a picture of a monkey on the wall would have made him any happier anyway)
a custom quilt from this lovely shop on etsy (in turquoise, grey, white, yellow and a bit of orange)
and then i'm planning on moving some of the prints i already have scattered around into the baby's room (again not "baby" prints but they'll work).
so that is that - i'll update with a tour de nursery once we get rolling.
on a seperate note i can't beleive i've got just 3 months to go!
Friday, July 16, 2010
AC Goodies
Here is a little project I made using the AC Dear Lizzy line:

Wanted to capture all the foods I'm craving wtih this pregnancy: