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I bought a LABEL MAKER this weekend. Be still my beating heart. I have wanted one for a while and got one this weekend, i think it was under $45 with tax and now my basement is totally label-ized. It's so nice.
If you are thinking of getting one
here is the one I got. Also bought 7 baskets for storage, just random things that were causing clutter; magazines, CD's, photos, etc.
Am rocking out right now to the Glee soundtrack. If you have not yet bought the entire thing from itunes go and do so. Right. Now. It's that good (and I also decided that if I had a gay alter ego it would be
Kurt from Glee. Love him, i have also just discovered via google search that he has a Facebook fan page. wicked.)
Here is what's been keeping me crafty:
A few pages from Disney:

(those darn letters took forever to cut out, I decided to mount them on paper and then pop dot them.)

Love that pic of M. with the Mickey cone. I think we have one of me at around that age with the same thing. So cute.

Love this pic and love these girls. This was 10 years ago? I can't even believe it. These girls are still the ones that make up a big part of my heart. I really love them.

Finally this one of K and I - using the new stamps I won from
Davinie's blog (love this blog BTW) this chickie is a hand sewing superstar, I am inspired, going to have to buy a needle and some floss for and J and my upcoming scrapbook weekend.
If you are looking for some webby goodness here are some good links I've stumbled upon lately:
here is one more pic - i couldn't resist: