everyday life documented as a wife and mom of two little boys, in a house filled with noise, laughter and a boston terrier thats nuts. loving this crazy journey we are on together and this blog is my attempt to document things when i remember so i won't forget! i have put away my business suits for the time being and am an official stay at home momma but i love my gig as a Stella and Dot stylist - my ramblings here will be a mix of kids, style, food and house stuff....enjoy!
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Guess What?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
am tired. frustrated. grouchy. ick.
the good news (great news) is i have a GOOD weekend lined up. Dinner with my girlies on Fri. Sound of Music Sat with my mom. Dinner with friends on Sat and then a visit with friends and fam on Sun. Thank. The. Lord. Above.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
back from the happiest place on earth
so i have to admit - before going back to disney (i had been a few times when i was a kid) i was apprehensive. i was pretty sure i'd think it was bs and wouldn't live up to the way i remembered it from when i was little. i was wrong. it was everything i remembered and more. and seeing it with my a 5 year old was just the best. our group may have seemed slightly unorthodox, my mom and dad had talked about taking my niece for a while and when i told them i was interested in going we just booked it kind of sporadically - kirk couldn't come because of his work schedule and my parents plan to take my nephew when he's a bit older but honestly the four of us were a great match. we got along so well and had an awesome time. we really did make a million memories.
Monday, September 7, 2009
it's a wrap
Thursday, September 3, 2009
love the word i use most

i am hoping it will work by the front door of the house so i'll see it every morning when i leave.
i love this line of products:
i love this campaign - it is so inspiring; and makes me happy to be a part of it....bittersweet symphony is also possibly one of the best songs. ever.
on the fence about a cast iron boston terrier door stop at the antique market. sounds like a no brainer right? me + bostons + antiques....that kicker is it's $149 so a tough pill to swallow. i'm going to keep my eye on it and see if the price goes down...tough to justify when we spent almost quadruple that on the real deal this past month at the vet.