everyday life documented as a wife and mom of two little boys, in a house filled with noise, laughter and a boston terrier thats nuts. loving this crazy journey we are on together and this blog is my attempt to document things when i remember so i won't forget! i have put away my business suits for the time being and am an official stay at home momma but i love my gig as a Stella and Dot stylist - my ramblings here will be a mix of kids, style, food and house stuff....enjoy!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
on a roll

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday Favies
google reader
...all of my blog feeds, managed in what looks like an email inbox with what i can pretend are personal messages to me? check please!
martha stewart living - great food fast: my m-i-l told me about this book and it's awesome, all quick prep, easy meals organized by season (like a closet) - i love this, have leafed through hers and placing my order on amazon once i can find something else to tack onto my order for free shipping

& trish magwood - dish: another one i heard about from my m-i-l and bought a few weeks ago. it's one of my fave books ever - tons of the dishes are little nibbley type noshy food, perfect for a get together or a weekday dinner. this book is divided into casual and entertaining sections....i am a big fan of any cookbook that takes away some of the guess work in cooking and this book just does that
anna wintour - anna was in the news today for being on david letterman today. she just can't shake the miranda priestly comparison
which isn't neccissarily a bad thing- devil wears prada will always be one of my fave movies. Anna is such an icon though - that bob, those glasses -- when i saw her in nyc a year or so ago i snapped a pic of her without her glasses & i swear she glared right at me heeeeeeeee!!!
had a lovely dinner last night with some dear friends & excited about some scrapiness tomorrow night with J!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
kudos to kit clubs
hope everyone is having a great sunday!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
measuring up
was sent this quote by one of my girlfriends this week – had heard it before but it really is a good one and isn’t it so true?
The last two weekends were very special to say the least. 2 friend’s weddings in one week and although K and I have been part of the wedding circuit for the last 4 years now (starting with our own….eek it has been a long time!) it has been mostly K’s friends – wasn’t until this past year or so that my friends have started. Don’t get me wrong I’m all about the what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine yadda yadda in our marriage and some of my now closest friends friends that i've met through k but there is just something special about seeing someone you’ve known for ages and ages seal the deal - do you know what i mean?
...Someone who ended up marrying her husband that she met when we were in Europe together 8 years ago this summer
...Someone who can draw a likeness to Miss J from ANTM to someone you knew from high school and I know in an instant who she is talking about
...Someone who I worked with at 16 at summer camp who would know what I meant if I called her Turbo
...Someone who introduced me to my husband 8 years ago this fall
That’s what takes my breath away really….how tightly weaved the threads are of our lives. i'm happy for the marriages and all that but it really does just solidify how lucky i am to have these amazing friends in my life.
On another note I am kind of obsessed with Sid Dickens Plaques lately
Like actually love them. I want them all.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
back in the saddle

looks so fun eh? it really was so great. has been such a great summer for weddings and visiting with friends - such a celebration of so many things.
i read us weekly last night and in the "25 things you didn't know about gordon ramsey" article it said he only sleeps 5 hrs a night so i'm thinking i'll try to take a page from his book and sleep less so i can do more. hence the 5:30am wakeup call this am so K & I could go for a run. I know crazy right? we are hardcore. It's really only half hour earlier than we normally wake up so i think it may just actually stick.
On another note did you see this article yesterday? said that dogs have the intelligence of a 2 year old child and can understand over 150 words. when i told k last night he told me he thinks ben is smarter :)