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Here's a bit of a "boring warning" I know a post with no pictures does not a great blog make - and they are coming - I promise! I have been so busy this last week settling back home from being at Memories Manor and getting back into the crafty mindset at home that I haven't gotten a chance to upload my newest pics.
So - first things first, my great friend Nicki has asked me to stand up for her at her wedding. This really is a huge honour for me and I'm just thrilled. Nicki stood up for me when we got married and I am so so happy to be such a special part of her day! I felt that feeling of just not being able to speak or really put together my words properly the day she asked me (b/c normally talking a lot is not a problem for me) - but I was just so honoured.
Next on the agenda for today is a recap of our Scrapbook weekend away. Now I know some of you think it's really hillarious that J and I would spend an entire weekend scrapbooking -- and it was! But only in the best way possible. We just laughed the entire time and reverted back to our "high school selves" complete with inside jokes galore, it's so funny how you can meet someone "later" in life (ok we were in our 20's when we met) but really feel like you have known them forever! That's how it is with us - so nice.
Also - I may be the world's biggest copier of my blog crush Stephanie but after reading about her love of flea markets I have checked out our local market one day this week at lunch and I admit it - I'm hooked. I'm such a sucker for old, kitchy, one of a kind finds....this could really start to add up all these new hobbies of mine but I think that I just need to start being a saavy shopper...exhibit A I needed a hostess gift for a shower I'm going to tomorrow - I found the cutest milk glass vase at the market for way less than at HomeSense and filled it with bright gerberas from the Market...perfect!
everyday life documented as a wife and mom of two little boys, in a house filled with noise, laughter and a boston terrier thats nuts. loving this crazy journey we are on together and this blog is my attempt to document things when i remember so i won't forget! i have put away my business suits for the time being and am an official stay at home momma but i love my gig as a Stella and Dot stylist - my ramblings here will be a mix of kids, style, food and house stuff....enjoy!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
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This calorie counter is slowly becoming my new best friend. Did you know a sour cream glazed Timbit has 100 calories? I definitley did not. How about a Tim Horton's Peanut butter cookie? Would you beleive it's almost 300! The one that really got me yesterday was Jube Jubes - for 6 candies there is 100 calories! Sheesh - that is a lot! I'm actually amazed I'm not obese considering I used to down 3 timbit's for a morning snack and then a peanut butter cookie for an afternoon snack....alongside my regular meals plus whatever snack we would munch on at night (normally equally bad for you I'm sure). I actually think I may turn into a waif at this rate (well hopefully lol).
Tomorrow am J and I are off to Memories Manor for a weekend of scrapping and shopping - I can't wait!
Also - just have to give props to my fav. scrapper/blogger Stephanie -- she's super cool...great scrapper (inspiring for sure) and also a great mom and wife -- she is sooooo funny and sweet and although I've met tons of celebs throughout the past few years through my job I have to say that I was more excited to hear back from this famous scrapper then meeting movie stars and singers. I basically sent her a "fan mail" email (dorky I know but what can I say - it's no secret ha ha).
Tomorrow am J and I are off to Memories Manor for a weekend of scrapping and shopping - I can't wait!
Also - just have to give props to my fav. scrapper/blogger Stephanie -- she's super cool...great scrapper (inspiring for sure) and also a great mom and wife -- she is sooooo funny and sweet and although I've met tons of celebs throughout the past few years through my job I have to say that I was more excited to hear back from this famous scrapper then meeting movie stars and singers. I basically sent her a "fan mail" email (dorky I know but what can I say - it's no secret ha ha).
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
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Friend R told me about the coolest app for my BB - Livestrong -- I downloaded it yesterday from App World and I'm hooked. For about $3 you can keep a daily food diary and keep track of everything you eat in a given day. It also lets you plug in your weight and fitness goals and it lets you know how many cals a day to eat...for me who is clueless when it comes to this type of thing this is a Godsend. So today - beleive it or not, I am actually dipping the prongs of my fork into the ranch dressing vs. covering my entire salad (I know - shocking right?)...but you wouldn't beleive how many calories it's saving me! This is so great for me because I really couldn't care less on a normal day but with all this tracking I just love it. Am going to get K man signed up later today and then project healthy couple with tight biker shorts can begin.

I thought I had posted about this before but come to think of it maybe I haven't...K and I have started roadbiking. Seriously. Like Lance Armstrong skinny tires, tight shorts with padding in the bum roadbiking. Ha! Can you beleive it? It's pretty hysterical really but fun so far. I def. know why those shorts have padding in the a** though...ouch.
And just becuase I really do think these are the coolest thing since sliced bread here is a pic of the famed shoes:

Monday, April 20, 2009
Home Sweet Home
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We made it back home yesterday in good time and had a great dinner with my fam. Mixed feelings about this - happy to be home and to see the BT...I did really miss him wheile we were gone. K and I are both such "dog people" - we biked around Stanley Park on Saturday (amazing) and we kept stopping when we saw a BT and laughing at how cute it was. We saw 7 total! Ben would totally fit in in Vancouver - although he'd have to learn to go pee in the rain :) He avoids that at all costs right now. We joke that he's allergic to rain. Just another one of his cat like tendencies. This is kind of like me though - the irony about my personality is I'm more of a cat-like person yet I love dogs.
T&N's wedding was just breathtaking. There were a few things that I have never done/seen at a wedding that theirs had:
a - mountains in the background
b - manolo's on the bride (this isn't the last you will here of these famed shoes)
c - a slideshow by the photog that was shown during the reception. This was faboo.
d - a guestbook made by me! I felt so special to be able to be involved in the day in this special way and am thrilled that they loved it -- pics to come of the whole shebang.
They are off now to South America for a great big adventure - can't wait to hear all about it.
I'm off to join a conference call. Sigh.
T&N's wedding was just breathtaking. There were a few things that I have never done/seen at a wedding that theirs had:
a - mountains in the background
b - manolo's on the bride (this isn't the last you will here of these famed shoes)
c - a slideshow by the photog that was shown during the reception. This was faboo.
d - a guestbook made by me! I felt so special to be able to be involved in the day in this special way and am thrilled that they loved it -- pics to come of the whole shebang.
They are off now to South America for a great big adventure - can't wait to hear all about it.
I'm off to join a conference call. Sigh.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Vancouver Update
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Ahhhhhhhhhh.........feels SO nice to have a whole morning to just relax and wind down...on a weekday! We are here in Vancouver getting ready to kick off the festivities for T and N's wedding weekend - weeeeee!! Sucky part is that K and I both have terrible colds but beats being at work that's for sure. Our hotel Opus is awesome - great location, cool rooms and it has a complementary car that we took advantage of last night to take us to dinner at Raincity Grill yummy! E had given us this suggestion last time we were here (hmmm must have been almost 3 years ago now - we loved it then and it was great to visit again).

Yesterday we had a loooooooooooong day but was fun fun fun! We had to leave the house at 5:30 to head to the airport, got to Vancouver at around 11am (b/c of time change) and then headed to our hotel. We had lunch and then walked around most of downtown and did some shopping!
Here are a few projects I have done recently....quality of pics is really bad b/c just taken with my phone but gives you an idea of what's keeping me crafty. I am just getting my feet wet with scrapbooking/paper crafting but loooooooving it!
One card was for my neice who turned 5 this year and another for my cousin's in laws who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this year:
Maya's B-day card - in it I wrote some of the memorable things she said...hopefully I'll remember to keep this up so she has something to look back on (these things included her asking if the geese out my window would "bite and atackle her" - ha ha try explaining the difference between "tackle" and "attack" to a 5 year's hard!)

50th Anniversary Card - have to say this was one of the best reactions I have ever gotten EVER to a gift (any gift) - I gave it to them with a flower arrangement I made with tulips, gerberas and a small vase with ribbon and Senka was so touched she told me she would treasure the card forever (makes me so happy):

Today the girls are headed to get our nails done and the guys are going to do something manly....playing cards or other. They had planned on golfing but it's rainy so backed out.
Check out this purse that I got a few weeks ago (in honour of the wedding):

I had been oggling a similar one (in satin) at BCBG for a while now and when I went in a few weeks ago decided to bite the bullet. When I paid (for the satin one) I found out the entire store was 30% off - so decided to splurge for the leather version which really is more practical (should have listened to Kat from the beginning - so def. ended up copying her style with this choice but she has great style so now we're twinnies) - besides I needed something tangible to keep me from actually stealing N's custom Manolo's at the wedding tmw night(not that my big boats would ever fit into her cute dainty little shoes). I cannot wait to see these shoes...she has gotten royal blue shoes CUSTOM made for her big day - I think this idea is so fabulous b/c
a - who wants an expensive pair of white shoes?
b - when else in your lift can you justify a pair of manolos with zero guilt?
c - she'll wear them all the time
Off to the spa - enjoy the day!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Baked Mac N Cheese
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So...I realized today that the blogs I follow can be viewed in my profile instead of me linking to them all the time --- I added a bunch of my fave's so enjoy.
Countdown to MM is on! There was a bit of a hiccup in the plan as we weren't sure we would have enough people but we are confirmed and J and I couldn't be happier than pigs in you know what (that expression is terrible but it makes me laugh...literally laughing as I type this). For two grown woman we sure do love to talk about this hobby a whole heck of a lot.
Had a great weekend up north at K's cottage - made some serious Mac N Cheese on Sat night - was so stringy and fabulous, it was Barefoot Contessa's recipe so can never go wrong with her stuff.
Countdown to MM is on! There was a bit of a hiccup in the plan as we weren't sure we would have enough people but we are confirmed and J and I couldn't be happier than pigs in you know what (that expression is terrible but it makes me laugh...literally laughing as I type this). For two grown woman we sure do love to talk about this hobby a whole heck of a lot.
Had a great weekend up north at K's cottage - made some serious Mac N Cheese on Sat night - was so stringy and fabulous, it was Barefoot Contessa's recipe so can never go wrong with her stuff.
mac n cheese
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sun is shining....
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It’s about time! Finally a bright beautiful day that actually makes you want to be outside – yahoo.
This week is v. busy w work – in a good way, but this past weekend feels so long ago! K was out of town this weekend so Fri night met up with my rent’s for a great dinner in Oakville and then watched Raising Helen. I had forgotten how much I love that movie, probably one of my favorite endings ever (when she reads her letter). Saturday played with the BT at the leash free park and then had Sophie and Kat over for a girls night/pizza/wine party/sleepover – my favorite kind of party!
Made the most delicious soup on Sunday from the Everyday with Rachel Ray Magazine – here is the recipe – seriously delish and easy! We had it for dinner on Mon night and then lunch on Tues and it was yummy.
Really loving my Nintento DS lately – got it for my bday from my little bro-in-laws – have played Super Mario every night this week! Looking forward to it on the plane to Seattle next week and then Van-city the week after. Speaking of which that’s a lot of travel in two weeks, one is work and one is fun so can’t complain.
Also…most importantly, I have finished reading the Twilight series. Was sad to see it end but the good news is my love affair with Edward can happily continue as I was pleased with the outcome.
This week is v. busy w work – in a good way, but this past weekend feels so long ago! K was out of town this weekend so Fri night met up with my rent’s for a great dinner in Oakville and then watched Raising Helen. I had forgotten how much I love that movie, probably one of my favorite endings ever (when she reads her letter). Saturday played with the BT at the leash free park and then had Sophie and Kat over for a girls night/pizza/wine party/sleepover – my favorite kind of party!
Made the most delicious soup on Sunday from the Everyday with Rachel Ray Magazine – here is the recipe – seriously delish and easy! We had it for dinner on Mon night and then lunch on Tues and it was yummy.
Really loving my Nintento DS lately – got it for my bday from my little bro-in-laws – have played Super Mario every night this week! Looking forward to it on the plane to Seattle next week and then Van-city the week after. Speaking of which that’s a lot of travel in two weeks, one is work and one is fun so can’t complain.
Also…most importantly, I have finished reading the Twilight series. Was sad to see it end but the good news is my love affair with Edward can happily continue as I was pleased with the outcome.

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