everyday life documented as a wife and mom of two little boys, in a house filled with noise, laughter and a boston terrier thats nuts. loving this crazy journey we are on together and this blog is my attempt to document things when i remember so i won't forget! i have put away my business suits for the time being and am an official stay at home momma but i love my gig as a Stella and Dot stylist - my ramblings here will be a mix of kids, style, food and house stuff....enjoy!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
"I may blog about that"
YYZ offered me her NKOTB sparkly sweatshirt (which is from the band itself) so this is basically like they gave me a present – and thus the Secret is true. I definitely dreamed that one up as an 8 year old. Only took 20 years but better late than never!
Twitter – this I don’t really get…I have signed up and am following a few celebs plus one friend, but I really don’t understand the point of it.
Scrapping – very into scrapping right now, my friend J has given me some great sites to get inspired by:
Basic Grey
Bad Girls Club
I was so overwhelmed at first but the more I look at the layouts the more I realize that a lot of people just use a lot of “stuff” on their pages – I think some of the layouts are awesome and the artists really are artists but don’t feel as discouraged as I did before after learning a few new techniques. I also think that I could definitely spend my entire paycheck every week on scrappng stuff. Would also be beneficial if I could swap my work schedule for my scrap schedule. I would get many more pages done this way.
Blogger Haters – there have been a few people who shall remain nameless that have teased me about my blog…you know who you are…and you know that you are reading it right now so I guess you shouldn’t really talk ;)
Other Bloggers – Ok – so not to perpetuate the blogger hater mentality and you all know I love my BT as much as the next girl…but this Blog goes into a little *too* much detail…not sure that I need to see a picture of your dog wearing a thong or an image of the tapeworm you pulled out of it’s a$*…and I’m pretty sure your dog hates you for this. Other than this this site is hilarious.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Groundhog day

I have been out-blogged by some spoiled Manhattanites over at http://dabagirls.wordpress.com/ - who decided that a bunch of stuck up bankers girlfriends was NYTimes worthy? I guess I have some work to do to get props from the mainstream blogosphere. Loyal followers - thank you for your support...when I make it big I'll remember you.
We had Sophie's Jack and Jill this weekend - was a fun time with some gold friends. I love how spending time with friends from the past makes me revert to feeling that age again - I hope it's always like that.